
What does cherub stand for?

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i belive it stands for Charlie Hendersons Espionage Recruitment of Underage Boys

seeing it was created by charlie and was all boys




  1. CHERUB stands for Charles Hendersons Espioniage Research Unit for Boys.[C.H.E.R.U.B]

    As it was all boys when he started it.[Hence the name of the second CHERUB series Hendersons Boys.]

  2. I believe it stands for Charles Henderson Espionage Research Unit Britian

    I dont see a reason to have "Underage Boys" at the end of C.H.E.R.U.B because if you read the CHERUB series it says that girls were also working for CHERUB which I personllay think is a good reason for the name to be different

  3. I believe it stands for Charles Henderson Espionage Researc Unit Britian

    I dont see a reason to have "Underage Boys" at the end of C.H.E.R.U.B because if you read the CHERUB series it says that girls were also working for CHERUB which I personllay think is a good reason for the name to be different

  4. I think it stands for Charles Henderson Emergency Recruitment Unit Branch

  5. it stands for Charles Henderson's Emergency Recruitment Unit in Britan (C.H.E.R.U.B)

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