
What does circumcision mean or to be circumcised???

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I've been hearing the word circumcision a lot lately , or to be circumcised, and was just wondering what it meant.

Can you please help me and tell me how you know if you need to be circumcised?




  1. Being uncircumcised is alot better, it's natural, and you can definately still keep clean. Most people aren't circumcised these days(for non-religious reasons that is), and it's becoming less common too. I think you lose alot of pleasure when masturbating and having s*x when your circumcised.

    Natural is better, natural is good :]  

  2. Ok, circumcision is having your f******n removed.  Being circumcised makes hygiene easier.  A lot of people have to be circumcised because their f******n becomes tight and hard to retract.

  3. First off, no one absolutely needs to be circumcised; many just use that as an easy solution to every penile problem regarding the f******n. There are many, many ways to correct f******n issues without circumcision, but for some reason, people never get access to this information. To be circumcised means that the f******n, a sort of skin "sock" for the head of your p***s, is removed for various reasons, many of which are ignorant. The f******n provides many benefits to the guy. First, it allows for the head of his p***s to stay moisturized. Circumcised men have issues regarding the head of the p***s drying out, and the dead skin will flake off like dandruff, which I can imagine isn't pleasant. The f******n also keeps the head very sensitive. The head is sensitive, so much so that materials like cotton will cause the head to sting if it comes in contact with it, and that is an unpleasant feeling. The f******n covers the head so that this doesn't happen. Removing the f******n, however, would mean that you would experience this stinging all the time, and it'd interrupt your daily life. The body has a line of defenses from keeping you from being inconvenienced by over-stimulations of various sorts. The head of the p***s, being filled with nerves, will thicken it's outermost layer, insulating those nerves so that they aren't constantly being touched and so you won't feel things quite as sensitively as you once did. This is a similar effect to that of scarring and callousing. This loss of sensitivity carries over into the s*x life, and I find this unacceptable, as the p***s is an organ that is meant to be sensitive to touch. Another issue with circumcision is all the myths that go around, and unfortunately, many guys go under the knife for this. One such issue is "disease" resistance. The f******n makes no difference in this regard. Diseases will find ways into the body, be it in the pee hole or through the skin on the shaft of the p***s, and I know no man who doesn't have those areas. The time a man is exposed to a disease also is something no one takes into account, as the longer you stay exposed, the higher your risks become, and for as long as s*x lasts, all men have very high chances of contracting something if they have s*x with a diseased person. Condoms, not circumcision, will help prevent disease. Another myth and down right stupid reason for circumcision is that of cleanliness. It takes five seconds, count it out on your fingers, five whole seconds to get your p***s as clean as it needs to be. I fail to see how a surgery well over a thousand dollars in cost is acceptable if the reason was to gain an extra 5 seconds in the day. Anyone who uses hygiene as a valid reason for circumcision is really lacking in the logic and common sense department. As for retracting the f******n, that's easy to do, and if a guy is persistent with stretching it, he'll eventually get it to the flexibility it needs to be at to move freely as well as provide extra stimulation during s*x from the f******n gliding over the head. There are medical cases where stretching can't help, but usually less serious surgeries than a circumcision will be all a guy needs to fix this kind of dilemma. Being uncircumcised isn't a bad thing at all, and people need to stop seeing it as such.

  4. No one needs to be circumcised.

    Doctors in the US want everyone to be convinced that foreskins are hazards to our health because they make hundreds of dollars for less than an hour of work.

    Circumcision is a human rights violation any time it isn't performed on a consenting adult whether performed on a boy or a girl.

    I am a circumcised man and it was not botched but I feel that I was mutilated against my will.

    I am actually in the process of restoring my f******n non-surgically as I am extremely angry and disappointed that a healthy, functioning part of my body was removed for no good reason other than societal customs.

    The risks are very small, but many boys have lost their penises due to botched circumcisions and some have even died due to bleeding or infection.

    The risk is very small but it is a risk that I would never even consider when the alternative is to leave my son the way that he is intended to be and carries no risk of death or disfigurement.

    I think that it is important for everyone to read what's behind the following link.

  5. the commonly claimed advantages are:

    cleaner - saves a few seconds of cleaning

    std reduction - this is often claimed however statistics never agree, out of developed countries america has the highest STD rate and the highest circumcision rate, even within same populations observational studies more often than not show no difference between cut and intact men

    reduction of later problems- like removing an arm to prevent an ingrown toenail, the most common problem with the f******n is phimosis and can be treated with stretching techniques and cream, short of frostbite nothing requires amputation of the f******n although some doctors especially american doctors will recommend circumcision when it's not needed as they themselves don't have a f******n and see no value in it

    circumcision became popular in america during victorian times FOR the harm it did, masturbation was considered bad, and circumcision was thought to reduce it

    I did f******n restoration restoring what was left (they do leave some f******n) but it's not all restorable, but what I was able to get back was great. but this came at a price, I can no longer see circumcision as cosmetic or as if it does not really matter, things that I thought were normal I only realized were problems after I restored and no longer had them, sexual enjoyment is way up. I can't imagine how much better the real thing is.

    people have said in relation to sexual pleasure




    and from my experience I agree with the cut/restored numbers

  6. Circumcision is genital mutilation, and can be perpetrated on males or females.

    In females, the clitoral hood (an analagous structure to the male f******n) is removed, sometimes with other portions of the labia and in some but not all cases, part or all of the clitoris (analagous with the male p***s).

    In males, the mutilation consists of amputating about 50% of the penile skin, often taking a lot of the shaft skin along with the f******n.

    There are no standards for this procedure, and it is frequently perpetrated on helpless infant males without anaesthesia.    Look at some of the videos on the internet of circumcisions, and it'll turn your stomach.

    Genital mutilation results in damage, reduced sensitivity and scarring.

    Female genital mutilation is perpetrated to prevent sexual enjoyment, ostensibly to insure the female's fidelity.     It is illegal in every civilized countries to do this to female minors.

    Male genital mutilation is not illegal in the US, which is sexist and unconstitutional.    

    Male genital mutilation destroys about 50% or more of sexual sensitivity and decreases the intensity of o****m, diminishes the size of the p***s and can cause partial or complete sexual dysfunction.

    There is no benefit to a male's being circumcised except to the doctors who make money from it and who frequently belong to the minority religions that try to perpetrate this practice on others.

    80% of the men in the world are intact, and this is normal and natural.

    Circumcision is abnormal and unnatural.

    A whole p***s with f******n feels and functions better than a partial, mutilated and scarred one.     Americans are finally discovering this, inspite of the influence of the medical professionals, which is one reason the scourge of circumcision became so widespread here in the first place.

    Noone ever needs to be circumcised.    There are other treatments to f******n problems--the f******n can develop problems, just as any other body part--look at all of the trouble that women have with their genitals.     The doctors just want to cut it off and collect the money.

    I'm restoring my f******n and can attest that s*x is infinitely better with f******n, the way that nature intended.

    It is perverse to advocate or perpetrate genital mutilation on helpless infants.    It's infant sexual abuse, assault, and a violation of the basic human right to a whole and intact body.

  7. men are born with a f******n which is a flap of skin over the p***s circumcision is the removal of the f******n, the benefits are less maintenance and less chance of infection

  8. circumsision is when you have your f******n removed.

    Its usually done a t a young age, like as a fetus lol

    well no,

    you have to be a lttle more than a fetus



    - Rianna™

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