
What does citizenship in this nation mean?

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i'm doing my scouts and the first question is: explain waht citizenship in the nation means and what it takes to be a good citizen of this country. ciscuss the rights, duties, and pbligations of a responsible and active american citizen.




  1. It means you get to pay outrageous taxes while the lazy get high and live off of welfare.  It means your job will be outsourced to another country that doesn't have to follow any safety guidelines and doesn't have to pay their workers a living wage.  It means people in this country against the law will come to your town and cause the crime rate to triple, while they don't pay taxes.  It means the public schools that your kids attend and your taxes pay for will have to hire teachers that can speak Spanish while they cut funding from other programs so your kids get fewer opportunities.  It means you are likely to be a victim of a crime and as such you will be treated like total c**p by the legal system while they treat the criminals like saints.  Being a "responsible and active American citizen" means you will suffer all of this and more in silence, because if you ever speak out about it you will be called a bigot and a right wing nut.  

    There, try that out on your scout leaders and see what they think.

  2. you are asking the wrong place.  the internet cannot answer that for you.

    p.s. you do not have citizenship in the "nation." This is a county, a union or a confederacy, but not a there is no such thing as citizenship to a "nation".

  3. Right to vote, right to live, leave and reenter nation.

  4. The Right to live with out fear of torture,arbritrary search, the right to bear arms, the responsibility to challenge your country and help your fellow citizens or anyone else when you know your Gov is wrong. To speak up for your rights or for those who cannot speak up for theirs.  To join a Revoloution if necessary to guarantee such rights. Not consume. To be free.

    Help your citizens become free by depending upon no one . Help them becom independent is what meant. Alt currency for all made by citizens through artistic design on recyc paper  .

  5. Rachel, that is not citizenship, what your talking about is a sense of entitlement. Citizenship is what you are supposed to do as a member of this country not what you are entitled to! Sheesh! You and a couple of others on here have to be either Undergrads or just have an incredible sense of entitlement! Did you miss the whole "Ask not what your country can do for you" speech in High School History?

    A good citizen has an obligation to vote, protest if he/she does not agree with something, pay the taxes he/she owes, serve in the Military or other National Service in time of War or National Emergency, obey the Laws and if one does not agree with those laws to fight against them via protest, the courts, a good citizen at the local level too and HELP there fellow citizens if they can in time of need or crisis. Look at the flooding in the Mid-West, the out pouring of support for the families in New Orleans, the volunteers who go into the Peace Corps or the Military or other National Service Orgs as examples of putting the Nation before yourself. That type of idealism that continues to get people in those lines of work and to help when help is needed is an example of what a good citizen is.

  6. The ruling class and their victims.

  7. Well in my opinion regardless of what anyone may think of Citizenship,

    Citizenship means that you can obtain a drivers license, buy a house, go to college, vote, receive free medical care if your income is low, receive government help, equal opportunity, right to re-enter the country because you are theirs, and with citizenship they can't deny you the right, Constitutional Rights,

  8. Means to be proud of your country and defend it from all enemies..... but now I don't think that we know who are our enemies. I think that we have them in Washington.. now. that is a shame...

  9. you have the right to go to war and vote for pres

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