
What does coke do to you?

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i had a dream about it randomly.. i don't do drugs or anything but in the dream my heart started beating extremely fast.. just curious. (:




  1. Quote from Tim meadows "it turns your bad thoughts good"  you will have a good time for 30-45 mins. if you want to do it, research it to better educate yourself

  2. As a stimulant, cocaine will raise your heart rate, cause dilation of the eyes, increased activity and talkativeness and give a sense of euphoria/happiness. It lasts about 30 minutes or so and then leaves one feeling drained and tired.  

  3. i used to do a lot of coke.  it makes you really happy, talkative, energetic, lovey and you feel absolutely perfect.  until you come down.  then you kinda feel like slitting your wrists.

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