
What does degaba mean?

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it is a name




  1. LOL thats what I thought. My first thought was the Starwars planet where Yoda was hidding out, my google search said pretty much the same thing. I have no idea what it means.

  2. Looks like musical notes to me.  Or possibly a misspelling of Degobah.  Definitely doesn't look like a name.

    This just in:  Evidently there are place names in Ethiopia that start with Degaba.  They seem to have something to do with lava.

    lava area; an area of solidified lava.

    Degaba Isate Gemora YeFelek'ebet (6Km)

    Degaba Isate Gemora (23Km)

    BÄ«lo Isate Gemora YeFelek'ebet Bota (41.4Km)

  3. I think it's something my 11 month old says?
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