
What does denudation mean?

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What does denudation mean?




  1. Here I will help simplify this. Is the process by which the removal of material,  the means of erosion, and weathering. Leads to reduction of elevation and relief in landforms or landscapes. It can be a process of which the removal of material can be found in ice, water, solid particles, and dissolved material. Think of it like rust. Rust on a car eats away at the metal until it's no longer there. It's removing material that was once solid.

  2. To strip bare, usually in context of a hillside, were the trees and any kind of growth or vegetation is completely removed

  3. Guess it depends in what context you use this word in.  In medical terms, it is the act of stripping off covering or removing the surface.  In geology, it means washing away of the overlying earth.

    It is the act of removing, baring, stripping, uncovering etc.

  4. Denudation

    All the weathering and erosional processes that contribute to the lowering of the land surface. Denudation is, thus, the complement of deposition, which is the accumulation of the products of denudation in sedimentation basins. See also Basin; Depositional systems and environments; Erosion; Weathering processes.

    Contemporary records of sediment and solute flux through river systems, representing the mass removed from the continental surfaces, have been used to estimate rates of denudation since the mid-nineteenth century. These are usually expressed as an average rate of lowering of the land surface, in units of millimeters per thousand years (mm/ka).

    In recent decades methods which allow the definition of denudation rates over geologic time scales have been developed. Attempts to invert sedimentary and stratigraphic records, and so define rates of erosion on the contributing continental surface, have greatly benefitted from improved seismic surveys, core extraction, and modeling of sedimentation basin processes. On the land surface itself, estimates of denudation rates based on the dissection of surfaces of known age have improved with the use of digital terrain models and absolute dating techniques. Equivalent estimates show that very rapid rates of bedrock denudation (up to 15 mm/yr) have been maintained in the western Himalaya during the past few million years. See also Dating methods.

    Developments in the dating of bedrock surfaces and surficial material in the 1990s represent the greatest improvement in defining rates of denudation during the late Cenozoic era. Potassium-argon (K-Ar) dating of lavas and the magnitude of dissection on volcanic cones had been used earlier to define erosion rates. More recently, exposure dating of bedrock through the accumulation of cosmogenic nuclides produced within them is a development that allows the estimation of average surface lowering rates over long time intervals. Cosmogenic nuclides have also been used to define rates of regolith production and erosion, contributing to denudation, over more recent time periods. Fission track analysis of apatite is another recent development that has had success in defining the long-term tectonic and denudational history of continental margins and mountain systems. See also Apatite; Cenozoic; Cosmogenic nuclide; Fission track dating; Regolith.


  5. so basically its just the expossing or layering of bare rock by the process of erossion. with out just copy and pasting =|:^) uncle Sam

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