
What does dimelo montro que lo que mean?? spanish to english??

by  |  earlier

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my bf always says that to me..

and whats arcangel?




  1. que lo que is dominican slang for what's up. (:

  2. "que lo que" is dominican slang for "what's up".

  3. Why does everyone go to a translation page and translate it then post it here? A: if that was the answer wanted, we would just do that! Do you think you are the only one that knows about those sites?
    B: you use it and then claim the question doesn't make sense. No, those sites are only good for literal translations of PROPER Spanish and occasionally some basic common Spanish. Montro does have a meaning-- it's slang-- like homey, brother, pal, n***a, ect. Don't act as if you know Spanish, and what's correct/incorrect just because you know how to find a translation website.
    If you try to take English slang literally-- IT WON'T MAKE SENSE EITHER!!
    what's up?
    I'm just chillin...
    What's good?

  4. You guys are stupid. It's a Dominican thing. Montro means buddy or pal. Que lo que mean what's happening, or what's up. Dimelo means tells me. So basically it goes, "Hey buddy, tell me what's going on?"

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