
What does dlp stand for?

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What does dlp stand for?




  1. Digital Light Processing.

  2. Digital Light Processing

  3. Digital Light Processing.

    It uses a chip developed by Texas Instruments that has an array of millions of tiny mirrors (one per pixel) that can be individually deflected. They are like a tiny flap that is either flat to the surface of the chip, or tilted up at an angle.

    A high intensity lamp is shined on the chip and then reflected by the mirrors. Depending on whether the pixel flap is flat or tilted, the light either reaches the screen or is shunted out of view. By flipping the mirrors thousands of times per second, the brightness can be finely controlled at each pixel. There is also a rotating color well in front of the lamp that cycles through the red, green and blue color components of the picture.

    Its a pretty amazing device.

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