
What does dreaming of a white tiger mean?

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I've seen a lot of different answers online but none of them seem right, at least in explaining my dream. In my dream which took place in an old, almost eastern world village with dirt roads, not a city, lots of wood structures. There were many people that I knew and the tiger appeared after some discussion in one of the residence. I found myself out on the street and hearing screams I looked down toward the edge of town to see a white tiger entering the village. It didn't see me as I was peering around a fountain, not a large one but kind of like a big bird bath. I didn't feel fear exactly but more nervous or exicitement. The sight of the tiger caused me to go around the corner were there were a bunch of different shops and restaurants, most notably a chinese grill. ?????????????




  1. an animal in a dream is a helper. it often represents the less sophisticated parts of ourselves and can sometimes aid us in unexpected ways.

    the colour white is pure and honest.

    to see a tiger in your dream,  represents power and your ability to exert it in various situations. The dream may also indicate that you  need to take more of a leadership role.

  2. Tiger

    To see a tiger in your dream, symbolizes repressed feelings or emotions that frighten you. Alternatively, the tiger represents female sexuality, aggression, and seduction. If the tiger is in a cage, then it suggests that those repressed feelings/emotions are on the verge of surfacing.


    for more look in the dictionary, i find it realllllly helpful!!

  3. Your dream appears to be a mix of some zest you may hold for exotic challenge and the realities of life, including the risks faced by the general populace.

    You seem at home in this far-away place of ancient habits and surroundings - it is primitive but you know many there.  You appear comfortable enough with the setting.  In such a place there may be many natural threats - and 'in the east' tigers are among them.

    But this tiger is special - somehow he is meant for you, a nemisis in fact, not unlike Moby d**k the white whale.  It may be your own thoughts of being able protector turned too confident that you face - and now comes the agent of potential destruction.  You do not cower but with care do venture out to survey the scene.

    The fountain strongly suggests life - the village cannot be without it and living waters flow between you and the white tiger, oscuring things but also protecting you as you seek advantage.  'Escape' is not suggested by your actions, merely maneuvering.  You are excited even as you realize the danger - there is some thrill to facing this challenge and having the chance to overcome something that terrorizes all others.

    As you turn the corner for cover you see the ordinary things people work for and depend on - the signs of humanity.  They at once offer the possibiity of cover and sustanence and ruin.  Think of the harm that beast could do there - and think of the dependence on others in those shops.

    The Chinese grill is interesting - it's more than a symbol of the 'east'.  In fact, the image most westerners have of such places is very little like the realities of the eastern world.  But there lies sustanance and ancient ways and wisdom.  Chinese cuisine somehow conveys a sense of such things - a near-magic can exude from that atmosphere.  And the tiger is a creature of ancient origins and a symbol of great power.  The grill then seems to stand out as a symbol of wisdom to pit against the brute force of nature that would pursue and destroy.

    By all this you seem to be one who holds interests in places that are obscure to most people and an appreciation of the adventures such things hold.  You seem to desire challenge and way to prevail by use of clever or wise action.  Look inside to see if these things run true to your feelings.

    All the best to you.

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