
What does dreams of cats mean?

by Guest66957  |  earlier

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Several months ago I had a dream of a black cat biting my hand as I tried to pet it. Don't know why but I didn't think it was important.

A week ago I had a strange dream of a white cat as I tried to pick it up it was strangely aggressive and felt strong and knocked me down. (Both black and white cat were regular sized)

Does anyone know what this means? I've read about something to do with feminine side but I'm a straight man.

I don't notice anything feminine about me.




  1. You want a cat? Idk somthing maybe on your mind?

  2. The dream doesn't mean a feminine or g*y for this matter.

    It means that you are associated with few women, probably two and they are not the best for you. You could be a player where you sometimes see more than one a time and because of that, you're not getting the best women out there. The women you find are mostly deceptive.

    The cat attacking and bitting could mean that you may get sick for a while. But anyway, I would worry about the women in your life and those you go after. If you have a maid or a housekeeper, you should absolutely check her out.

  3. Dream interpretation is very personal and individual, and there are numerous schools of dream analysis.

    I suggest you consider what cats mean to YOU, also, if there is a significance for you of the color of the cats.

    I do not beleive that dreams are some mystical connection with things outside ourselves, or messages from beyond, or warnings or signs of something about to happen.  I beleive they are our subconcious working through recent data, and I find that if I think about it I can figure out on my own what most of my dreams are coming from.

  4. Cats can represent mystery as they are very independent animals. They go off at night and return the next day etc and can be viewed as enigmatic. Linked with aggression and a betrayal of trust (being bitten when trying to show affection) you may be manifesting your fear of something that you don't understand or perhaps something you want to love. What specifically isn't obvious but it seems to be an analogy. Especially because you don't seem to have a cat phobia and it's a recurring dream.

  5. I do know that the symbol of a cat in a dream is representative of independent thinking.

    Something that your thinking is harmless is actually something that can easily become out of control, and can perhaps turn out to harm you.

  6. What do cats mean or symbolize to you? Cats have been used to represent the feminine, yes, but also the mysterious, powerful preditors, independance, attitude, magic, spirits...

    They both attatcked or overpowered you, so you could be at odds with whatever they mean to you. You might be feeling overwhelmed by this thing or idea.

    Just a stab in the dark, but that's what I have.

  7. Have a feminine side has nothing to do with being straight.  Nurturing and compassion are often thought of as feminine while be assertive and taking chances is manly.  

    Possibilities, you do not like cats.  Does not mean you are cruel to them you would just never own one. Or problems in your love life,  

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