
What does dyspraxia mean?

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My teacher gave me some test results for my class so I could do some statistics work but the file she gave (accidentally) me still had the names on it so I could see who's results were who's. Well it also had the little notes teachers need to remember who had what illness, and I noticed that one of my best friends had "dyspraxia" written next to their name and I want to know what it is so that I don't do something stupid like saying something like 'your so annoying, you always do this ant that blah-de-blah-de-blah' and they may not have a choice.

so yeah. Help?




  1. Why don't you look it up on WebMD.  I am sure you will get a very good description

    It is an impairment of sensory and motor skills.  But I am sure that there is much more to it.

  2. Dyspraxia is a condition which affects co-ordination, balance, fine motor skills, language, thought and perception, caused by the brain not sending messages to the rest of the body 'properly'.

    It used to be called Clumsy Child Syndrome and that's basically it; a person's movements are clumsy and they can have trouble performing basic tasks such as skipping, sports and driving, to name but a few.

    Though it has different affects on different people, so there's a lot of variation on it, it's quite an umbrella term.  

  3. Dyspraxia entails the partial loss of the ability to coordinate and perform certain purposeful movements and gestures in the absence of motor or sensory impairments.

    Dyspraxia may be acquired (e.g. as a result of brain damage suffered from a stroke or other trauma), or associated with failure / delay of normal neurological development - i.e. Developmental Dyspraxia, or Developmental Coordination Disorder. The term apraxia is more often used to describe this symptom in clinical practice, although strictly apraxia denotes a complete (as opposed to partial) loss of the relevant function.

  4. This is the Wikipedia entry on dispraxia:

    "Dyspraxia entails the partial loss of the ability to coordinate and perform certain purposeful movements and gestures in the absence of motor or sensory impairments.

    Dyspraxia may be acquired (e.g. as a result of brain damage suffered from a stroke or other trauma), or associated with failure / delay of normal neurological development - i.e. Developmental Dyspraxia, or Developmental Coordination Disorder. The term apraxia is more often used to describe this symptom in clinical practice, although strictly apraxia denotes a complete (as opposed to partial) loss of the relevant function."

  5. Dyspraxia is a problem in coordination and motor skills.

    Here is site with information that may be helpful for you:

  6. Dyspraxia entails the partial loss of the ability to coordinate and perform certain purposeful movements and gestures in the absence of motor or sensory impairments.

    you can go here for more info

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