
What does emo mean exactly i am just wondering?

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how do u know if u are emo?




  1. Really?


    Emo stands for emotional.

    Hardcore emos are the ones who cut themselves, cry and write depressing poetry. Over all a very depressed person. If you want to get a jist of that kind, listen to the song "Emo Kid" Here's a youtube link

    (this song is making fun but it does describe the hardcore emos for the most part but dont take all of it to heart because a lot of it is NOT true)

    But emo is generally referring to a style of clothing or music.

    Emo clothing is tight pants or skinny jeans with converse or vans with t-shirts and hoodies. A scarf is sometimes involved. They also tend to have really cool hair cuts with mulitple layers which sometimes includes hair dye.

    Emo music is considered to be bands like Hawthorn Heights, My Chemical Romance or Taking Back Sunday (though i don't really see why)

    A lot of my close friends are considered to be emo but they have never cut themselves or shaved their legs or anything like that. They just like to dress that way.

  2. Emo has two different meanings. One is a style of music. The other is a label people use to describe a group. The group of teens that use the label say that emo is short for emotional, but the term originally came from the Indie music style called Emotive Hardcore. It is a sub-genre of punk.

    The music:

    It's basically punk rock, except the lyrics are about emotional things rather than being a rebel. Emo is a kind of rock music which describes several independent types of music with common similar roots. Mid-tempo hardcore punk, pioneered around roughly '85 by the D.C. band Rites of Spring. It's in no relation to the pseudo-emocore/mall punk of today. Google REVOLUTION SUMMER/MID-WEST EMO for more information on the legitimate genre.

    The People:

    It is a label people give themselves for being apathetic and emotional to an extreme (usually miserable), but wallowing in it and not wanting it to change. They tend to feel they are misunderstood and that life is not fair to them in specific. It is in fashion with some of the group to cut themselves and wear heavy eye make-up. The hair cuts tend to have awkward sharp angles and are often glossed. Many of the guys wear very tight jeans, often women's. The girls tend to lean more towards late 70's to early 80's fashion.  

  3. Emo as in EMOTIONAL

    Well i guess you cut your self :C

  4. It's a guy or girl who cuts their arms or wrists , wears black and have funny hair, wear eye liner, and listen "emo music"...

  5. To be Emo is to be apart of a "sub-culture." You are emo if you wear black clothes most of the time, if you like depressing/sad songs, and if you hate life.

  6. EMO IS JUST A TYPE OF MUSIC!! omg people. if you cut it doesn't mean your $^#*(&! emo! it mean you need help!! god >.< emo is just a type of music and a clothes line... EMOS ARNT DEPERSSED ALL THE TIME OR SAD OR SUSIDLE!!!! i know this! i WAS emo... we arnt deperssed or susidle it means we like a certain type of music and dress a certain way because we like to! WE DONT FLUGGING CUT!!

    sorry if you get it mixed up but we arnt susidle and if you are susidle and cut GET HELP NOW. And us emos may look funny but at least we know who we are :) no offence to asker lol =]

  7. emo is short for emoitonal

    it can have to meanings

    meaning #1- you have very deep thougths about life and wonder about the afterlife a lot

    meaning #2- you cutt and burn your self and try to comit sucide. and life seams crappy all the time

    hey if you have time will you please answer mine also?please and thank you!;...


  8. If you are emotional, love music and feel that people don't understand you

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