
What does every1 think about joey barton??

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I think it is really annoying that a great footballer..gets himself in trouble and ruined his reputation.He should have been banned for life!!.. and he is a very aggressive player!!




  1. seems to luv jail

  2. Cries when he is in jail, was probably some guys s*x slave.

  3. First off to Omstarts:- Not all of us are as lucky as Joey Barton to have been given the opportunity to do something we love for a huge pay packet if he'd only been in trouble the once fair enough but he just can't control himself.

    I think the reception we gave him at Emirates on saturday is a hint of what he cant expect for the rest of his career which with any luck will be ended by a horror challenge like the one he tried to make on Nasri about 30 seconds after coming on on saturday.

  4. sack him today......................

  5. He will cost Kevin Keegan his job, KK stood by him but the board wanted him sold so bye bye KK.

  6. Good footballer bad person!!

  7. A thug and a man with no moral fibre. His list of offences has grown to unacceptable proportions. On the field he is rough but off it he's a monster. He put a cigar in a young teammates eye, has been involved in countless acts of violence outside football and seriosuly beat up and risked the life of a fellow teammate (Ousmane Dabo). The guy deserves to be banned for life, or at least for a year or two. Newcastle unfortunately didn't have the backbone to release a man who has been unable to play for them because of JAIL TIME.

    Had this been a one off occurence (eg Duncan Ferguson) where the player did his time and moved on I would agree that forgiveness must be given, but time and time again this thug has continued to hurt those around him including teammates in serious ways. He should be banned, and never play football again.

  8. Scum

  9. Tvvat

  10. A bellend with learning difficulties

    Omstart...... A chance.... not 3 or 4 chances surely?

  11. A Thug.

    A t**t

    A c_nt

    Sorry, just my opinion of him. :)

  12. An England player. As a footballer, he is to be respected. As a Dingle born (they are all the same) bare knuckle fighter, he is to be taken seriously. I wager that, Monsieur Wenger, is going to 'rest' Samir Nasri, the next time these two are due to 'meet.' There's some 'unfinished business' to see to! Kevin Keegan was so, so right.  

  13. Everyone deserves a chance.

    People are the ultimate hypocrites. Who doesn't make mistakes in life??

    I too think he is a disgrace. But as Kevein Keegan has stood by him, if he blows this chance THEN let's all celebrate him being banned for life. Until then, give him the chance to prove his time in jail has made him think and reform.

    People listen to music from rappers who are/were convicted rapists (2Pac), so give JB a break. There are worse people in the world.

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