
What does every1 think about the radio disaster?

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take a look at the link and read it through if you dont know what im talking bout. the house that got trashed through sum1 spilling the beans on radio1. do you think it is the bbc's fault? or the caller's fault for spilling the beans?




  1. when i dont think its the bbc's fault. pete tong read it out saying 'anyone is invited' so its the fault person that called in. also the bbc said the party had been adverised on myspace or bebo.

  2. The link worked for me. Here's the first couple of graphs:

    <<A mother described her terror as hundreds of drunken gatecrashers swarmed into her daughter's 18th birthday party after the event was broadcast on Radio One.

    Rebecca Brooks said car-loads of revellers from miles around drove up their mile-long drive, stormed into their Georgian house and caused thousands of pounds worth of damage.

    Four door staff hired by the family were unable to handle the boozy throng, and when the police were called they cleared the house with dogs, but were pelted with glass.

    The fancy dress disco party at Colehayes Park - usually a field study centre - was held on Friday night to celebrate Mrs Brooks' daughter's 18th birthday.>>

    Radio 1 may have some moral responsibility here, as it was very irresponsible, but I doubt that they have any legal exposure. In the US we call it the First Amendment, but it's just plain old "free speech."

    BTW (see first answer): if you don't have anything to offer, you don't get it, or a link doesn't work - why would you comment? Why waste your time and ours. Frankly I found this a valid link and interesting question.

    -a guy named duh

  3. There's no link and I don't know what you're talking about.

  4. It's not fair to blame the radio for that .It may look like  the caller's fault  but to be honest, its actually the fault of the ppl who trashed that house  .

  5. I think it is the BBC's fault. They shouldn't be giving out people's addresses on national radio.

    They might as well give the mic to passers-by and let them run the show.


  6. No link,The callers fault.

  7. i think the person that phoned up was a total jerk, but i also think that the bbc are alot to blame because if they can filter things like bad laungauge before it goes out on the air then they should have spotted  this.

  8. What link ?

  9. largely the callers fault, but the radio DJs could've been quicker to cut them off.

    i've requested songs by text, they've called me so that they can have a caller on air, and you are literally live - it's not as if they pre-record your call and then decide whether to air you or not.

    and completely agree with Dave - the damage was caused by the people who chose to go and trash the house - no one forced them to!

  10. i know the story, it was who ever called the station, the station did not give out the address just a ruff location of the party.

    the address was blasted out on the net for all to see, who ever first put it on the net is to blame because they made it public

    regards x kitti x

  11. i think its the callers fault. he/she shouldn't have told them and i think that they should have expected it. If they are going to announce their mansion or whatever on a live radio then they are gunna get people coming..

    I found it quite amusing... even though i shouldn't have.. =[

  12. both are to blame, radio should know not to give out addresses on air, the person who phoned in should have had a bit more sense!! x

  13. Bit of both.....surely the dj must have twigged what was going on!

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