
What does everyone see in cell phones? They are a waste of money, time, and energy.?

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What does everyone see in cell phones? They are a waste of money, time, and energy.?




  1. there convient

  2. As a disabled person, I NEED ONE!!! However, I only use mine for emergencies: view section 82, at on their dangers; also SEARCHBAR : "cell phones". I strongly advise everyone to USE LANDLINES! Or Dr. Mercola's "BLUETUBE", or at least hands free. When you do use them, keep them at least 1 & 1/2 inches, or 4 cm from your ear, and alternate ears. Right handed users get more tumours on the right side of their brains, near the ear. I have a cheap pre-paid, which I have only used once, to ensure it works, in an emergency situation.

  3. If your are talking about the fancy cell phones that do it all I couldn't agree more. However if you are talking about a cell phone in general, basically one that calls and texts, I couldn't live without one. They are great in emergency and seeing that I am working 17 hours a day it is the only way I can keep in touch with my peeps.

  4. They can also save your life if you are in an emergency in which grounded telephones are nowhere to be found.

  5. Amen to that!  I thought it was just me.  Unless I'm stranded in the middle of nowhere, I rarely answer/turn-on my phone.  They are such a waste of money and are so d**n expensive.  And now a cellphone can replace a computer and camera, too.  People just carry cellphones so they can forever be in the endless social network loop.

  6. Unless you need to call someone and then they are very useful.

  7. That's your opinion ( and everyone is entitled to their own).  Cell phones the what most of us busy folks would call "God Sent"

  8. except for the occasional road emergency i concur heartily................tom

  9. well ; your friends/fam can call you wen your not home

    so if your late or cant get somewhere you can let someone know

    or you can call for help if your lost

  10. They are very good to have in an emergency but I do agree that people use them as primary/convenience phones too much rather than their intended purpose.

    For example, if my car was to break down in the middle of a long stretch of deserted road, a cell phone would be fantastic.

    Also it can cut down on germs from the use of public payphones.

    But if I'm at home and just wanted to call my sister, no way would I use a cell phone.

  11. As with most things--the Internet, YA, etc.--it depends on how you use it.  Cell phones are just a tool; they are neither good nor bad.

    I'm old enough to remember the time before cell phones.  I don't think you can imagine how great it is not to have to hunt for a pay phone when you need to talk to someone to ask a question or get directions, etc.  Suppose someone in your family is out somewhere and you want to be sure he/she is OK--cell phones are great for that.  

    Yes, some people overuse them.  It doesn't make them a bad thing.  

    But, if you don't like them, definitely don't get one.

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