
What does everyone think about Russia bombing Georgia?

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Georgia has no way to defend against these attacks, because Russia has total air superiority. Russia is bombing mostly civilian targets. If you don't know about it go to




  1. we'll step in to help our ally,

    world war 3

    were doomed

  2. The same thing I think about Israel bombing Palestinian civilians and the coalition of the willing bombing Iraqi citizens and that is that war is h**l for those that get in the way and there are always two sides to a story.

  3. I heard Georgia started all this

  4. russia is bombing geogia because georgia went into south osestia first and started a genocide by bombing civilians, about 1400 the first night.

    cnn? its western propaganda bud, since georgia is usa's ally , all youre hearing is one side.  

  5. Just facts: Russia did not initiate military action.  Georgia's forces has bombed and destroyed the region's capital and 1400 civilians in just the 1st day.  There can be no justification for that.  DO NOT forget this point. For the rest, see the videos below.

  6. If you check the reports from the news organisations that were in Georgia at the time they all report that Georgia launched the attack. Some reproters were indicating the beginnings of something similar to an ethnic cleansing program. It seems, in the circumstances that Russia had little choice but to send troops/tanks in to protect the civilians under threat.

    A radio report I heard earlier on today suggested that Russia contacted USA on 1st August to advise that tensions were rising in the area and asked the USA not to do anything to inflame the situation. (in fairness I have only heard this from one reporter, but he is a trusted and generally impartial correspondent.)

    What followed then was Condy Rice making a speech supporting the Georgia position, which is what the Russians were trying to avoid.

    GWBush initially made a statement yesterday condemning the Russian response, but a subsequent announcement from Washington has pulled back from that position and has pointed a finger of blame at Georgia.

  7. This is a very serious matter and could force the US and Russia to go head to head in conflict.  I surely hope not but Russia smells the USA's weakness in military might and money and may just pursue this to the end.  Putkin is an old school Communist and KGB and will do everything he can to embarrass and hurt America.  Bush kissed his rear end on several occasions and many of us said that this was a mistake.  We helped Russia recover from her demise when Communism was dropped and many of us said that this was an error. Now it is coming back to haunt us.  Don't we know anything about foreign policy?

  8. watching all this on the news, reading the blood in the papers breaks my heart and makes me feel powerless to do anything useful to help the ignorance of the governments that have control over our lives, and powerless to help the innocent that died, young and old...for what?

    so while some of us are quite excited about russia bombing georgia, or intrigued by what appears to be a new debate, perhaps you could spend a few minutes of that time thinking about one of the real issues involved.

    unnecessary killing....

  9. Really, who cares? The US has enough on their plate. Let France, with all its might do something.

  10. Good,,,, I hope Russia pummels Georgia, cuz Georgia is ethnic cleansing.


    I think Russia did the correct thing.  No matter how Georgia, NATO, GW Bush or Rice try to spin it.

    South Ossetia got its independence from Georgia long ago. Georgia gambled that Russia would not retaliate and that NATO would stand up if Russia did.

    Well, Georgia gambled wrong.  

    The majority of residents in this independent land are Russian Citizens. And, Georgia signing a treaty recognizing that South Ossetia is an autonomous zone, had no right to invade.

    Contrary to popular western media, Georgia attacked first. Russia drove them out. Bush and NATO stood on the sidelines...

  12. My first thought?  Both have nuclear weapons and both are highly troubled, disorganized countries.  Georgia, like you said, has inferior conventional military capability.  They have a long history of conflict.  This is a potential time bomb.

  13. When I read it online..I thought Russia was bombing Georgia, as in, USA's Georgia. I'm like..uhh..shouldn't this be friggin breakin news!? Aaaanyways. I have no other thoughts. Russia's a bully?

  14. What do I think about Russia .....?

    What do you think about the U.S. bombing Yugoslavia?

    I think you feed on too much U.S. propaganda.

    Georgia is the aggressor who launched the attack FIRST on a breaking away state who had separated government since 1992.

    See how all the U.S. media tried to twist the truth like they always do with almost everything big going on around the world.  

    There are loads of photos of "Georgia being bombed" with lots of people crying over dead bodies etc.  

    Why there was NO South Ossetia photos of thousands dead???????   They were attacked by Georgia FIRST.

    Not to mention, by the reputation of the U.S. propaganda mainstream media, I bet majority those photos of people crying and buildings destroyed are indeed in South Ossetia!    

    Russian was there to keep peace until *Georgia* opened up on cities and killing thousands civilians in their sleep.

    Georgia, a U.S. puppet want-to-be, no way started the war without the approval of the U.S. first.    This is just another step of U.S. expand its control in the region.

    Funny how the U.S. media keeps calling South Ossetia "separaists" in this conflict which Georgia is the aggressor.  While they sided with the "separaists" at Yugslovia.

  15. Russian Imperialist land grab.

  16. I think it's very bad and so many civilians are dying.  Just like the US in Iraq --  bomb. bomb, bomd!  With hundreds of thousands of Iraqi casualties.   Like the 4 days straight of bombing homes, businesses and mosques in the Holy City of Falluja.  Then Bush and McCain tell Russia they're bad.  What a world full of ignorant, hypocritical war mongering buffoons!  

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