
What does everyone think about the gas prices?

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What does everyone think about the gas prices?




  1. Well excessive - esp in UK, when most of the cost is tax!!

  2. they're killing our economy! but of course every f**king d**n american is too lazy to get off their FAT LAZY A** and do something about it! it's not going to fix itself.. everyone has to actually take a stand and DO something about it!

  3. gas prices suck ***!!! i went 2 safeway to pickup some gas and it cost 98 bux to fill up with a DISCOUNT!!!  I'm movin to uk if the gas prices aren't as bad as 4.50 a gallon there, in u.s (california) thats what it costs

  4. There is no surpluses or shortage so I guess they are fine.

  5. It's going up again - already 4.12 here in suburbs of Chicago.  I hate it, can't stand the trickle effect it's having on our whole economy.  Everything is going up except for paychecks.

  6. Way too high.  I think its a signal too.  Signal to start looking at alternate energy.  Provide benefits and incentives to companies (not regulation) and get those corporations to start using alternate energy (with the benefits, incentives, tax cuts etc).  The gas prices are also a sign of oil supply being low and that we depend too much on oil for our lives.

    Gas prices have been a huge burden.  However, their consequences aren't just at the pump; they're hurting us in the other areas too. Food prices are high and if gas prices don't go down, they'll stay high.  We need to do what we can to cut down our usage of cars and use other methods.  We also need to buy cars with improved fuel mileage.

  7. i believe that is very expensive in my country 1 gallon cost 1.45 Euro.

  8. You don't really believe everyone is going to answer do you?

    I think it's more thievery from inside the D.C. beltway by Bush and his evil cronies.

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