
What does everyone think about the newly discovered gene by <span title="science...............................?">science.....................</span>

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Men that have it are said to be "good husband material."




  1. They named that &quot;The Wimp&quot; gene.

    Half the guys locked up in prison for violent crimes today would have been considered indispensable assets for protecting the village during the bronze age.

  2. I totally smoked you on this question!;...

  3. Genes don&#039;t work that way.

  4. Yet &quot;good husband material&quot; does not always get the girl pregnant otherwise the gene would be extinct. So, how prevalent is the &quot;bad wife gene&quot;?

  5. Satan must have put that gene there.

  6. Nonsense, since genetic determinism is false. There may be proteins that are coded for by certain sequences of nucleotides that predispose someone to romantic bonding, but that does not equate to a causal relationship. Genes just don&#039;t work that way for psychological traits.

  7. I think it will be an excuse --- &#039;honey, come on, I had to cheat -- it was in my genes!&quot;

  8. I haven&#039;t read the article, but I&#039;m guessing its just correlation to some generalized behavior.  Probably has no real meaning, just a science equivalent of a fluff piece.

  9. I&#039;ve always thought some people were genetically predisposed to have multiple partners, some women included.  You can&#039;t fight nature it will always win.  Some people are not cut out for marriage yet they keep trying.  If it was so simple as keeping it in your pants nobody would cheat.  I think many genes just ensure survival in certain situations.  If everybody on earth was faithful 100% of the time from the beginning, man would probably not have been able to reproduce fast enough to populate the planet before something wiped us all out.  (Just my own theory) For some reason it also seems like women are more attracted to the non husband material and more likely to sleep with him too.  They should do some research into that too.

  10. Authentication would be a nice thing for you to provide.

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