
What does everyone think about the paranormal?

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Is anyone a believer?

Why or why not?





  1. What anyone thinks of it doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is whether or not it is so.

    Guess what, it isn't.

    One million dollars waits for anyone that can prove any sort of paranormal or supernatural activity.

    One's personal experience doesn't make something so.

    Anything that occurs in this world that cannot be explained is because we have not learned enough about it yet, there is insufficient information, or it did not actually occur.

  2. Most of it is a bunch of silly nonsense.I don't believe it because it's not real.Superstitious foofwraw,98%Unknown or unexplainable,2%.

  3. nonsense

  4. I don't believe "in " it...(as in to do it) ..but I believe "about" it...that it happens. I don't believe everything I hear or read about things that happen to people. I know that some people lie and some people just imagine it..and sometimes there's another reason (scientific etc.) that it happened..and sometimes people are mentally ill. So you have to try to discern what's real and what's not.

  5. i am a big believer, only cuz i've seen paranormal happenings. its scary, but kinda cool. ps--never do ouiji board alone...

  6. I believe that we are not alone, and that spirits can live amongst us.  I like to watch A Haunting because it's really interesting...and spooky at the same time!

  7. I believe.

  8. It is all nonsense.

  9. I believe in it I have I saw my cousin coming over slide and start bleeding on her leg then I heard the door bell ring and it was my cuisine and she was bleeding on her leg I have also had a lot of daja vu in my life I can see things that are hidden if I try and I can figure out what people are going to say before they say it I can close my eyes in the dark and see a person in front of me they turn the light on I say hi and there name and I'm always correct. IT'S TRUE

  10. It ain't normal.

  11. i am a believer. there is evidence of it. many ppl have experienced things with it.. its just that many ppl choose not to believe what they dont see.  . .. ...

  12. I think its beyond the outer limits of the normal realm of reality. It goes far beyond perinormal. The amount of time spent chasing and contemplating the existence of things that are outside of the real world experience can only be equalled by the imaginations of Jules Verne, Gene Roddenberry, and Steven King, with a touch of Bram Stoker or Mary Shelly.

    EDIT, traffic jam folks, the rush to answer is on!!!

  13. i recently read a book about it. there is a lot of material available, including in

  14. I think the paranormal could be anything out of the scope of your personal world and level of interaction or basic curiosity.

    For instance if it were not for zoo's or aquariums, most people would not believe in over half of the animals , air and sea creatures found on this planet. In other words there is tangible evidence that you can examine and it no longer remains a mystery.

    In the case of spirits, demons, etc., they remain paranormal because of the intangible evidence and our limited knowledge of how they could possibly operate in a manner to stimulate our senses, and interact with the physical world. A chair moves on it's own, is that proof of the paranormal? First we must eliminate every possible physical angle for the chair to move in order to prove a paranormal event occurred.

    Most physical events can be explained, but there are some that cannot - that is why I believe in the paranormal.

  15. I dont believe in it. I have never witness anything and I dont believe stuff that I havent seen. On the other hand I am interested in going somewhere that these kinda things happen and see for my self. I do really enjoy watching the horror movies made about it. Actually I have watched half a dozen during this extended weekend. I really enjoy Poltergeist I think that was the best movie made about it.

  16. probably cause, life is fool of questions and people always want to find them lol. U should just laugh when people ask stupid questions and, its cool to look at the parnormal, it doesnt mean ur wierd, it just means ur creative, i luv being random is a paranormal thing to say, u get it now, just be cool and dont worry alot, just be paranormal, just be creative.

  17. I believe in the paranormal because I believe in God. He does things out of the norm all the time, I have witnessed them personally. I also know that His enemy can do some paranormal things too. I have witnessed those also.

  18. Yeah,

    I belive on paranormal things,

    it just depends on what,

    the world and universe is too big to have normal stuff

    I think theres many paranormal things going on that people wouldnt understand

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