
What does everyone think about young males (aged 17-25) driving on our roads. are they really dangerous?

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What does everyone think about young males (aged 17-25) driving on our roads. are they really dangerous?




  1. susiebryce,matter a fact stats don't lie. N.T.S.B. (nation transportation safety board) compiles information on all thing that have to do with transportation safety. as for the information on males verses females in the age range, there are many variables. did you know that when a young driver is in a car with 1 or more of the peers, the accident %'s go up much more for a girl than a boy the same age. at 17 a boy is in a 7% range to have a wreck and a girl is at a 4% but add people in the car girl's jump to 13.5 % where boys the ages go up the accid. racios go down and by age 25 men are at 2.8% and women are 3.7%. male  nor female's based on the miles the drive in a time (lets say 25ooo miles) have that great of a record but based on miles driven at any age females have much more accidents mostly based on distracted driving

  2. Males 17 to 25 are generally not dangerous.

    Driving automobiles is dangerous.

  3. Yes....................

    Immaturity, lack of driving experience, speeding and chance takers are the four main factors leading to the high crash rate among this age group.

  4. Not as bad as women ages 16-120

  5. Statistics...they don't lie.

  6. You want to know what I think, I think you just stereotyped.

  7. Some are, but if they couldn't drive until they were 25 they would drive crazy then.

  8. Yep...and the females are worse...check out some government statistics, they totally support it.

  9. It really depends on the male individual himself as a person, but because insurance companies don't give a c**p about the "good personality" they label them as bad.

    But I do know that boys, alcohol, and ego don't mix, but seem to mix more often then girls and the mixtures, thus... Yes, young males ((not all)) are dangerous on the roads...

  10. they ok. but women drivers... . ...... ...

  11. Only the hot ones. They are mighty distracting when you are driving and look over staring.

  12. yes, yes they are

  13. If you're afraid of getting in a car accident, you can always choose not to drive.  You might say it's unreasonable to expect you to not drive.  But that's what you're asking of 17-25 year old men.

  14. In many cases they are.  They are definitely in a high risk category but so are lots of other groups such as:  People texting on their cell phones; running late for work; getting off of work; rich people (cocky and too important to obey the laws); poor people(low IQ);Asians, old people, women etc...Basically I see so many horrible horrible drivers and they're from all walks of life.  DUMB people are the worst drivers!

  15. Not as dangerous as young women driving, gabbing on their cell phone and applying make-up at the same time.

  16. Most of the time but do not include all. I am 19 but I drive safely.

  17. I am 20, and I only drive at about 160mph, and take corners at 40+ mph, its the slow drivers that are the risk..

  18. Cant answer this question as a whole in general. It all depends on the individual. You can be 12 years old and have the mind of a 40 year old and vise versa.  For the most part, yes many accidents occur with new drivers but these people are usually the kind of people who don't perform so solidly in other aspects of life as well. However a percentage of these accidents could also be just pure coincidences or  misfortune, but then added to the irresponsible mistakes of young drivers it makes them look worse than what may really be. So it really just comes down to the individual in my honest opinion.

  19. not all are daggers ,but static xis show a new drivers will have at list 2 accidence first 3year driving.Oslo from 20 t25 they may one or you see is same risk .but not all can  be categories  the same .

  20. i m very dangerous hehehhehehe

  21. yes, wreckless

  22. Yes and no. Mostly they are just that way out of ignorance, they just don't know all the c**p that could happen. Just like anyone who is new at anything would be. There's always a minority of maniacs, but most 25 year olds want to see 26. I know some pretty good careful drivers under 25.

  23. the answer depends on the attitude of the person towards driving and towards the safety of other motorist around him/her....

  24. This is tough to answer. Of my close group of friends i would say about half are crazy drivers. 2 of them drive faster than speed limit,  speed about 10mph over, 4 of my friends are safe divers, following road rules and what not. then there are 2 friends who are just ridiculously dangerous. One speeds about 30mph over and has a car that when it hits 40mph it jumps to about 70-80mph. the other does not signal when changing lanes and is careless while driving. The only problem with me has a driver is that I drive way to fast. On the highway I average around 85-90. On the streets I average around 50mph, and no, I do not speed in residential areas, I do not want to kill kids. So in the end, with my experience I would have to say that about just a little under half of young males are dangerous or crazy drivers.

  25. i all rights, i should have been dead by 25, after all the stupid c**p i've done...i mean, who turns off their headlights at 105mph at 0100 on the interstate because 'it looks so cool to just run with fog lights?'

  26. that is a stereotype NOT ALL YOUNG MALES ARE BAD DRIVERS!!! i did a report on not changing the driving age and it said on the internet MOST fatal car accidents happen with 33-36 year old males

    and me ive been driving since october of 2004 (16 years old), no tickets and only one accident (not my fault i was rear ended) (knock on wood), yes i admit i do stupid things, but i have stopped since that deadly street race in maryland last month

    oh also i should add i do not consider myself a good driver or a bad driver, i do consider myself a better driver then about 40% of people on the road 70% if you only cound were i live D.C. metro area (northern virginia)

  27. I would rather drive with a man than a woman any day.

    "I dont' understand women.  I give my wife a tennis racket she cant hit the ball.  I give her a baseball bat, she cant hit the ball I give her a badmiton racket and she can't hit the birdie.  I give her the keys to the car and suddenly she wants to hit everything."

  28. Anytime a teenage driver is in an accident they always get the blame even if its really not they're fault (i know from experience) but its true drivers that have less experience are more likely to have an accident. OBVIOUSLY! but thats definitely no reason to pass harsh laws on teenage drivers like curfews--teenagers should have to right to get a mcdonalds shake at 3 in the morning too--and passenger limits (although i myself would never get in a car with a teenager driver and try to convince others to do likewise).  

    So give'em a break will ya you were new to driving once to ya know

  29. majority of them are dangerous.. but there are those few exceptions. i would like to have laws that are strict on young teenage boys that have recently recieved their license, however why should the exceptional good young male drivers have to suffer because of other inconsiderate drivers

  30. u no those had full of young idiots ruin it for the rest of them... all young ppl show off on occasion.. but its those idiots that take ppls lives...

  31. The "danger" isn't that they are young males (aged 17-25) it is because they have the mentality that they are immortal and lack experience on the road.

    In Washington State they have laws meant to protect everyone as far as "new drivers" both male and female. For example, they can't have anyone in the car who isn't family for a certain amount of time after they receive their license. Because the young person doesn't think they will get caught they tend to ignore it.

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