
What does everyone think of the ATA? What could be done better?

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Hello Everyone,

Before you all jump on your horses, let me explain exactly what I am asking. I have been a student of the martial arts for over 10 years off and on. I started in taekwondo, transferred to Kung Fu, then took a break before landing in an ATA school. I was not looking for a school for me but for three children that I was caring for who needed more discipline in their lives. Some how I got pulled on the floor and now I am a first degree, almost certified instructor planning on starting up my own school. As I have started researching I have come to realize that most view the ATA as a mcdojo or belt factory, which it can be and the one I was in certainly is. But I will to do better, I have already started writing down my expectations for my students and other things that I will run much more traditionally. And I wanted any suggestions from other martial artists to make sure I have all the angles covered. So bring on your suggestions.




  1. The phrase you get what you pay for should be applied to these schools.

    I have never paid over $30.00 a month for Martial arts training and I'll just bet that I've received training that is either equal to, or better than, what you have. Put quality ahead of money and the money will find you.

    Good Luck

  2. get ahold of a good okinawan karate practitioner who can teach you what your kyungs are for. iaian abernethy is a good one though he teaches karate based on japanese wado ryu.

    allow punches to the face. add grappling. lots of things. i was with the ata for a year're right..mcdojo.

  3. I am sorry to tell you this but from the description it does not sound like you are well enough trained yourself to start a school. In spite of your previous training, 10 years of and on can mean many things, the fact is that you are a 1st degree black belt at what you admit is a McDojo. I am sure that you have good intentions of doing better, otherwise you wouldn't be asking here, however understand in most good karate schools, 1st degree simply means that you are now ready to really start learning. You basically have the basics down.

    I would not ever train at a school where the Sensei was less then a 3rd degree. The truth is, much as you might not want to hear it, that you are not qualified to open your own school. I am sure your intentions are good, and you will do the best you can, however you are just not knowledgeable enough to do it. If you do open a school and charge money, your students will not be getting what they need, and that is an instructor who understands the style, all of the kata's, every motion, and has a grasp of more then the basics.

    Not trying to be mean just realistic.

  4. I think that there are good instructors and bad instructors in all organizations.

    We have a new student at our WTF TKD school who trained ATA for 4 years.  He is an outstanding fighter/sparring partner, so I can only assume that he had good instruction for the ATA school he was with.

    We have had other ATA students come over from the past and they had really poor technique.  It just depends on the teacher, and the individual.  

    I think the reputation of the ATA is hurting TKD as a whole.  

    As for improvements, I think you should attend "open" tournaments and allow other federations to attend your tournaments.  


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