
What does everyone think of the forum?

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I personally feel it's filled with backseat martial artists and idiots who spend too much time posting =/




  1. they're no better or worse than anyone else. they're a bunch of people with an opinion...and they do nothing but talk SH*T about people who don't agree with them is basically the way i see it.

  2. I personally feel yahoo answers is filled with backseat martial artists and idiots who spend too much time posting.

  3. I love it.

    Personally any internet forum is going to be full of backseaters... (like a certain supposed 8 style ninja here). The difference is finding the quality of the rest.

    Bullshido is one of the largest Martial Arts forums on the internet, because of it, you will have some morons. You also have some really highly respected guys who have backgrounds in Law Enforcement, a few Lawyers, some Doctors, People with various Military backgrounds, people highly ranked in various arts. In general people who know their stuff.

    To me it is obvious, (just like here on Y!A) who knows what they are talking about, and who are blathering idiots, or Martial Arts fans.

    Most of the people they have "busted" have truly been busted, even as so far as getting licenses revoked, getting arrested, and sued for fraud. They legitimately go after true reliable sources.

    To them it is simple, if you claim you know something, or have done something then provide evidence.

    If you say you are an undefeated death match fighter... then cool, when and where were these death matches? Or better yet, come to a throwdown and teach us some stuff.

    It's simple, you say you are 2nd degree blackbelt.. cool, show a copy of your certificate.

    You invented your own style? Great, what credentials do you have? Oh you got it from secret ninja scrolls? Hrmm have the scrolls been certified as authentic by one of the various highly respected governing bodies?

    Have they Bunjinkan?

    See guys like BJ Ninja up there, get upset because they don't look at the real history and controversy about their art, or because they are shammed. Instead of accepting that maybe the style's history is a bit fabricated but they enjoy it, or feel it is worthwhile, they just attack back.

    Bullshido at it's very core has good solid people who want to inform people, and let people know about the perpetrators or Martial Arts fraud.

    For example of someone says they are a BJJ black belt, fail to provide certificate, or lineage, then a purple, brown, or black belt BJJ person in that area has no problem rolling with the guy to see if he is legit.

    It is a great community for a ton of good information, including how to find other Martial Artist of your interest in your own area.

    However, like ANY internet forum, there are going to be some loud mouthed douchebags, or pretenders, or people who are just fans of a Martial Arts, or MMA, or as it happens now.. Bullshido. There are tons of guys on Bullshido with no real training, but just dying to help expose fakers. While they can be loud mouthed douches, they can also help actually find people who are ripping people off, then the people who have had training, or are certified and ranked in the related art along with other information gatherers can help either authenticate a guy, or expose him.

    Trust me, there are 100s more guys who get vindicated and shown to be the real deal, then there are people bullshido has "busted".

    Just take it like you would any internet source, there are good and bad things about it, for every knowledgeable, true practioner on there, there is probably a 3 clueless loudmouths. The difference is that there are so many more people there than other forums, and so therefore many more people of real legitimacy, and of course armchair artists.

    From my stand point, Y!Answers is way worst with the clueless people then Bullshido. At least there if you talk c**p about being a master of 10 different things, or say you are a fighter, you actually get called out on it.

    Too many people giving "expert advice" who clearly are not experts here.

    At Bullshido you will get honest experts, who have verified what they say. Of course you still have your morons, but they don't claim to know a bunch of c**p they don't know, they just insult people.

    An example:

    If you were to ask "Do I have to register my hands as deadly weapons?" on both places...

    On Bullshido you would get 10 posts calling you an idiot, or something of the sort, then 5 posts from Law Enforcement officers, Lawyers, Martial Artists, etc, telling you how it is fiction, and giving you proof, etc.

    On Y!Answers you will get 10 posts of various "experts" telling you when and how you would have to register them, since they themselves has had to register numerous times... or because they know... and 5 actual people telling you the real deal.

    The difference between the two is the at Bullshido, your 10 morons will just be obvious insulting morons.

    On Y!A your morons will make a bunch of false claims, and pretend to be experts filling people with wrong information.

    At least that is my take... I have been in high standing in both forums, and a few others.

  4. Talk is cheap...

    Most Internet talk is worthless!

    (This site is no exception.)

    The one exception that I MIGHT make is a forum with an extremely narrow focus on ONE martial art.

    Such as a message board for use by students at a specific Dojo.

  5. It's bullshido, just like it says. Just because they say it, doesn't make it true. It's just their opinions. They post articles about people they "busted" and they use it to degrade the arts the people know or claim to know.

  6. I think as long as you take it for what it is and realize that it is a public forum, and you will get the good with the bad.

    I agree that it is much better in some respects then here, because there someone claiming to be a ninja and train 8 styles would have to prove what they say. On here they can say anything they want, even though they think you have to register your hands as a yellow belt in TKD in the state of Florida.

    very few people on here actually answer any questions directly related to technique and how to do them properly, said Ninja boy included in the non answerers.

    So it has good and bad points.

  7. i think arts like senshido and other reality based arts are great they use knowledge of other formal arts mixed with science and street experience to creat something usefull, thats what bruce was trying to do and i respect all others for following in that mind set  

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