
What does exceeding safe speed mean?

by  |  earlier

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I had 3 tickets in a 7 month period. The first one i got 2 points on my license and the 2nd one i used my PJC. Now on the 3rd one my lawyer went to court and said that he got it down to exceeding safe speed. What is that and how bad is my license going to be?




  1. It can mean anything the cop wants it to mean. They are the KING and there is nothing you can do about it.   Once they see you got a speeding ticket they will never give you a break and will be happy to give you multiple tickets with one stop.  

    Now if they suspect you and run your license and see your record they will stop you even if you are not doing anything wrong.  However you can bet they would never give their own freinds and family a ticket.

  2. It means that you were exceeding the recommended posted or safe speed of that area and or situation.

    It is a speeding ticket and your rates will likely double...

  3. Speed limits are there for every one even you. You seem to be missing something here.

  4. it means you were speeding but not reckless driving.  

  5. You can see what this is costing you in legal fees and fines. The bigger issue is that on your next ticket you are looking at having your license suspended for at least 90 days - depending on what state you live in. The tickets are telling you to slow down and live longer. You are going down the path of destruction - your life or somebody else's.

    Don't put so much pressure on yourself to where you feel that you have to blow everybody off the road.

    All the best

  6. it means you were going too fast for the conditions.  that could mean darkness, rain, traffic, pedestrians.  they are difficult tickets to fight as they are completely at the discrection of the officer.  

    they aren't a speeding ticket persay as you weren't going over the speedlimit necessarily, but driving faster than safe.  

    number of points?  depends, either 2 or none depending on the state.  probably none since your lawyer was happy, but ask him, he should know.

  7. if ur out in the open and there are no cars in front of u and ur exceeding speed then u WILL get a ticket bc theres no reason for u to be going that fast

    of course if ur tailgating somebody then ur going to fast

    but if ur flowing with traffic as ur going above speed limit and there still two cars distance between  u that means ur speed matches the driver in front of u and that is considered normal to exceed speed according to the conditions of the traffic on the road...the best thing to do when on a clear road is to keep checking ur speed bc when the road is empty u can go above realizing it.

    its really not that cool to drive so fast bc the faster ur vehicle is moving the harder it is to make sudden stops putting ur life and the life of others in jeopardy.

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