
What does fantasy sports do for you?

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What does fantasy sports do for you?




  1. I play and it does nothing for me.

  2. It gets me interested in other teams, not just my favorite. Because i wanna watch the players on my team

  3. Let's just say it makes us learn to use our mouse with our other hand.

  4. It severely lowers my productivity at work.

    Plus, my girlfriend thinks I'm cheating because I check my laptop ever night before bed (for my team's results).

  5. My favorite is the Fantasy Baseball. 3 brothers 2 sisters & some in laws get involved in it every year.  my 2nd favorite is Fantasy Football. My sisters join it even though they can't stand Football but some of them actually won lol. It  It's actually fun seeing how the players perform while we get points for it.

  6. It helps you get closer with your friends.

  7. It got me interested in Baseball again. This is the first season in years that I actually started watching games again.

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