
What does fear reveal about person? Is it possible to remove all fear?

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If fear is an emotion, and everyone has emotions, then doesn't everyone have some sort of fear? To eliminate fear you have to face it. Have you faced all your fears? What happen, and what did you see?




  1. Its not possible to remove fear, only move it around in a way to better deal with it.  

  2. Yes it is  possible, but  to remove all fear  would eliminate the barrier between human beings and animals.

  3. animals fear...what did that mean?

    all fears are related to death...if you get over the fear of death then all fears will go away...but you will still avoid getting hit by a train and what not, you just won't have things the effect you to your soul.

    To get rid of the fear you have to realize the impermanence of all life

  4. There is always the fear itself that you will have to worry about. You can fear doing something/seeing something/touching something blah blah, but you can also fear the feeling of fear. So no you cant, you can just become stronger and learn how to deal with it. I think?  :)

  5. i dont' think its possible to remove all fears because none of us can ever be the "best" or most powerful, or most whateverr in teh world. to some, thats somethin to fear, but if u've accepted yourself, i guess it is possible. [i haven't faced/established all my fears]

  6. I truthfully haven't met anyone yet that I saw had no fears, anyone you walk past on the street if you look at them you can see that they are riddled with fears and doubts, they can't be free of it at every moment, if there are people like this they are truly amazing.

  7. I don't believe we have to face our fears to dissolve them. Fear is dissolved through acceptance. The emotion of fear is one based in non-acceptance of any given scenario or object or what have you. The refusal to accept it, as is, and the desire to alter it for our own comfort level produces the sensation of fear. If we accept that what is and what will be is perfection in and of itself, needing no change nor struggle against, fear cannot be present.  

  8. Fear is what makes us human (or animals), so to remove the fear is to dehumanize someone. It is possible to have no emotions as well, but that leaves a damaged person, for example someone who can't feel happiness.  Fear can reveal hidden depths of a person, because naturally we have instinctive fears, but for someone who is afraid of washing machines, there must have been a trigger.

    Just some random thoughts.

  9. no it is not like that .... if everyone has all emptions that exists then everyone has fear ( since fear is as you say an emotion )

  10. Each name for an emotion, like fear, joy, happiness, hate, depression etc is a potential of emotion. Of which it is possible to feel many of them at the same instant.

    Therefore fear its self cannot be eliminated.

    Fear of something can be. That is an attachment, an assigning of 'feel this' when 'in this circumstance'. The process of changing that requires something known as courage which only truely manifests when doing someing despite fear, it also requires learning which is made difficult by the fear as fear is highly potent emotion - emotions, the more potent they are have greater effect on what exactly is learned. (which may well explain why so many dont recall obscure lessons from school but do vaguely remember studying the subject - utter mind numbing bordum is an emotion too).

    Yup faced many. There are few left that would be useful to deal with. What did I see - what do think it is, the life flash before the eyes job?

    Heights being one. What did I see there - ropes, ladders, the floor .... lol

    Am I still afraid yup - and I know why too. Its not the heights Im afraid of as I came to realise. lol.

  11. See the details to the question asked immediately aftyer yours.

  12. yes, it's possible to remove all fears

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