
What does flying on a scooter means in a dream?

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What does flying on a scooter means in a dream?




  1. It means that YOU! were the one who was to invent the first  mass produced affordable flying scooter for the general public, but YOU! haven't have you!!! All because YOU! had "other" things to do my dream of pooping on a bird from a flying scooter has to wait.

    I WANT MY REVENGE!!! For all the times birds relieved themselves on my just washed bikes and cars.

  2. Let the Pot alone.

  3. Dreams don't mean anything. They are just the "idling" activity of the brains consciousness. I had repeated dreams of flying (just willed myself to lift off) as a child of 10-11, so real I tried it many times when awake. I never did learn how to fly, even an airplane.

    Sweet dreams, peace and Love!

  4. riding along on a scooter in a dream

    would resemble freedom

    flying a scooter would resemble

    restricted freedom or the idea of that much freedom

    is not within your reach or something is holding you back its like a pie in the sky dream

  5. Im not sure about the scooter, but supposedly you only fly in your dreams, when you are very happy and stress free.

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