
What does freedom mean to you?

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What does freedom mean to you?




  1. Freedom of soul.

    Body or mind never gets freedom.  They are always limited by physical world.

  2. the ability to do and say anything that is physically and mentally possible

  3. The only way to master our desires is to align them with the Almighty's will. By doing this we sacrifice mundane inclinations in turn for mastery over body, soul and mind. This is true freedom. Freedom from carnal desire.


  4. freedom means.. being able to expand, grow, as a human, be it financially or intellectually. Having freedom means the world is handed to you. You have the ability to express your opinions, dress as you wish, live where you wish, eat what you wish, etc. The only task humans have is to mold what was given to us into what we want it to be. Of course there are guidelines written for us. We know whats bad and what good. We decide whether we want to do good or not, regardless of what we do..we still have freedom. Everyone has freedom though, and you cant take someone elses freedom, or cause anyone any harm. You have free will, as long as you use it properly. It may feel a little nauseating..knowing you have freedom, but there are conditions, but if you think about it.. there are soo many possibilities, so many things you can do with your own life. Options are endless.

  5. Rebellion against the way of the world.

    The total surrender to God Almighty, and living "the way" He wants me to.

    That is a freedom that gives life forever.

    Another meaning of freedom is " freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose", "Me and Bobby Maggee".

  6. Shortest distance between intention and action. Obviously, therefore, a lot of it is in our own mind itself, to what extent we are free to face the consequences.

  7. being free from anything or anyone that holds you from making your own decisions, your own will.. personally it is something I enjoy because it allows me to reach for my dreams with whole pride and honor as well.

  8. to pursue my dream and be all enough freedom to me

  9. To do anything that dose not physically harm another .

  10. True freedom comes after self mastery

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