
What does gasoline cost in Ireland?

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I plan to rent a car in Ireland for 10 days at the end of June. I'll be in Dingle, Galway, Mayo and Dublin areas.




  1. According to the AA, the average price for unleaded was 117.8c in May. This seems a little high, but I suppose the AA know what they're talking about.

    It varies from place to place - more expensive in Dublin and the price is rising.

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    Just as a note on driving in Ireland - it is realistic to expect to cover about 45 miles in an hour - expecting to make better speeds than that will only mean frustration for you. You might get there quicker, in which case, great, but don't expect to.

  2. If you want the advice of a native forget Dublin and get away from it as fast as possible. It is one monumental traffic jam all day. You can make 45 miles in an hour's driving almost anywhere else in Ireland. But its not best to do more than about 100 miles a day. You gotta stop and meet people and see things and just chill out. Ireland is the untimate chill out area in the whole world. There is no word in irish to convey anything even remotely like the urgency of the Spanish word "Manyana" . The irish word "Amárach" [Am-Aw-Rock] does translate as "tomorrow" but in reality is as in "tomorrow never comes" So sllooowwww  down and enjoy.

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