
What does going in the wrong direction symbolize??

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im driving a red sports car on the freeway and this german shepperd is running right next to me (he's fully black, with some brown on him),he's right next to me, running, and he keeps on looking at me

then all of a sudden the bridge stops and i land on a freeway thats in this tunnel and im going the wrong way (there's no dog), and the rest of my dream is me dodging all these cars

i've had a few dreams where i was walking...and all these people i knew were walking against my direction...

i know its confusing...but its happened to me so many times...that i finally told my friend about it and she told me to find out what it meant...

if you can please tell me what it means to be going against the would be great!

thank you!!...hope i was as clear as possible




  1. Indecision, concern.  What is in your life that you need to weigh all the options about and commit to a decision on?

  2. Going 'against the flow' has a few possibilities; 1) you feel confined to the wrong occupation, 2) loss of social standing: 'on the skids', 3) reversal of fortunes 4) alienation, social conflict- 'nuff said.

    A red sports car= desire for a mistress, adventure. A black dog "right next to me" is a leading indicator of depression, and his keeping his eyes on you confirms it.* Flying off a (high) bridge into a (low) tunnel and dodging oncoming traffic is a graphic description of a deteriorating situation and rising sense of vulnerability.

    * here's a juxtaposition of conflicting present liabilities/fears with the sporty red desire for a carefree future. The black dog's omen and influence was replaced with the black tunnel's chaos and imminent danger- "happened many times" shows this is a major, long-term concern for you. Um, try an anti-anxiety prescription, at least, and some professional help. My sympathies..

  3. the whole dog thing means that something or someone is making you do something you shouldnt do .. its leading you in the wrong direction. and about the people going the oppositw direction, those are the people trying to help you by showing you the right way

  4. The dog is a "shepherd" which makes him a guardian.  This represents Jesus (who is definitely the "Good Shepherd" and "man's very best friend").  When you are going the right way, you are being protected.  But, when you deliberately get involved in anything that is stupid, you walk way from the protection God offers.

    True, bad things do happen to good people sometimes, often as the result of someone else's stupid or evil choices.  BUT, your chances of being harmed or killed while doing something wrong or risky and unnecessary are FAR greater than if you are obeying God's laws and the laws of our land.   For instance, your chances of being in an accident skyrocket if you drive drunk.  You won't ever overdose on illegal drugs if you don't take them!  You won't ever get shot in a bar room brawl if you're not hanging out in seedy joints.  

    Sometimes, it is good to go against the flow of traffic, if everyone else is going the wrong way.  But to dream you are going the wrong way on the freeway... that indicates that at least in SOME are of your life, you are DEFINITELY going the wrong direction.  Turn around before it is too late.  

    Pray for wisdom.  God bless you.


  5. It sound like you are a very determined person but you are constantly facing obstacles.

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