
What does golf need to do to get into the 20th Century?

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Did this seriously happen? How could no one think to tell these people why this cover might not be a good idea. And as someone not into golf, is the sport really that out of touch with history more recent then 1950?




  1. I just have some things to say on the issue as a whole. I'm an avid golfer. I mean AVID. I play at LEAST 3-4 times per week, not counting weekends (when weather permits) and i absolutely love the game-- and it's a great game. when i heard about kelly Tilghman's comment about Tiger and how it was attracting all this controversy i couldn't help but chuckle. I heard the comment as it was said and people are blowing it way out of proportion... that is to say that Al Sharpton and the editors of golfweek are blowing it way out of proportion. They even quoted it out of context siting only the part where Players should "lych him in a back alley". Just like that. and it's the ONLY part they quoted.That's not what she meant. She said, jokingly i might add, that if the players are going to have any hope of beating him it's only because someone lynched him in a back alley. And i have to say, it's TRUE. I mean the guy is THE best golfer ever. He doesn't have the records yet, but you can't speed up time. there's no question...

    Now, that being said, we all say things that come out COMPLETELY wrong sometimes, and the only thing that's different about this is that Kelly is on TV. Tilghman is a friend of Tigers and she apologized to him and took care of it. His agent even said it was a "non issue" which means Tiger knew what happened and doesn't really care. yes it's unfortunate in this country that we have the history that we do and I consider it a horrible mark on our past (slavery) BUT it cannot rule everything we do and in the off-instance that something like this is said, create anarchy and renew the bible thumping and re-stack the race cards that everyone loves to play.

    Onto the photo of a Noose on the front of Golfweek. WTF is up with that! I think that's more unnerving than anything that's been said so far. it's an aweful symbol and i'm ashamed to have it associated with the great and honorable game of golf. It is a gentleman's (and lady's) game and there's no place for an image like that. Go out on a course, you'll find African american, caucasian, asian, Latino/hispanic, Men, women, children, even Disabled people out having fun and respecting eachother without fail. In fact, it's the only game where you call penalties on YOURSELF, and to have it's name dragged through the mud to make a headline is just disgraceful. Just because all our heroes in football and baseball and other sports have been condemned through drug use and horrid behavior doesn't mean we should drag down the last speck of hope that there's decency in the professional sports arena.

  2. I expect our local paper to have a weekly section like they do for NASCAR. The most read section in the weekly NASCAR section is "Feud of the Week".

    If we stop reading all of this c**p maybe it will go away.

  3. This whole thing has gotten way out of control.  That guy didnt deserve to be fired, and Tilghman didnt deserve to be suspended.  Tiger said he didnt care, so I dont know why this is becoming such a big deal.

  4. uh.... its the 21st century. && golf is way up to date. i think its u who has 2 get into this century. have u seen the new clubs. if thats not wht ur asking sry but i dont like reading long boring articles.

  5. Someone needs to be fired.

  6. The whole thing with Kelly was blown out of proportion, but thats is messed up.

  7. So, one person make a mistake and you think that the entire sport needs to get into some current century? Sounds to me like you are stereotyping all golfers and the entire golf industry. Sounds to me like you have something against people just because they are associated with golf. When do you need to get into the 19th Century?

  8. it's the 21st century dumb@$$

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