
What does golf realy stand for.?

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What does golf realy stand for.?




  1. Has to do with the was orginnaly spelled gauf (or something like that.)  Ive always thought it was funny that if you spell it backwards, you get "FLOG."

    Im gonna leave work now and go flogging.

  2. Did the word "golf" originate as an acronym for "gentlemen only, ladies forbidden"? That's a common old wives' tale. Or, in this case, more likely an old husband's tale.

    No, "golf" is not an acronym for "gentlemen only, ladies forbidden." If you've ever heard that, forget it immediately. Better yet, find the person who told you and let them know it's not true.

    Like most modern words, the word "golf" derives from older languages and dialects. In this case, the languages in question are medieval Dutch and old Scots.

    The medieval Dutch word "kolf" or "kolve" meant "club." It is believed that word passed to the Scots, whose old Scots dialect transformed the word into "golve," "gowl" or "gouf."

    By the 16th Century, the word "golf" had emerged

  3. Well actually golf use to stand for "Gentlemen Only Ladies Forbidden"  Drunk in PA you realy should know what your talking about before answering questions

  4. it acutually stands for gentle men only ladies forbidden no lie they came up with it in scottland the first golf coarse says on  the building ist said gentlemen only ladies forbiddin cause ladies were not aloud 10 play.

  5. It doesn't stand for anything, it's just a word.  It's "golf", not "G.O.L.F."

  6. It does NOT stand for "gentlemen only ladies forbidden".  Check out the links I've included below for the origin of the word.

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