
What does group A and group B mean?

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Ok does it mean that if you're in group A those teams are supposadly the better teams than group B cuz team USA is killing everyone why arent they in group A or does it go by do they determine what group u get put in2?population of country or what doesnt make sense?




  1. It determines the better group of basketball A is usually the the better group and B ya not as good.

  2. It's just the two different pools.  The are both made with some good teams and bad teams.

  3. There are just two groups. Just like different heats in running or swimming.

  4. freakefrfun is wrong. they are just two groups decided randomly, just to make the whole medal process easier

  5. The basketball teams were placed into 2 groups. Group A & Group B. USA is in group B, so if they win all of the games in their group, they will play which ever team is the finalists in group A. Then, they battle 4 the gold!

    Hope this helped.

  6. group a is harder teams than group b

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