
What does having a surgical abortion feel like?

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I was wondering if anyone has had a surgical abortion during the first trimester and can tell me how you felt afterwards and how it has efftected you in the long run, both physically and psychologically.




  1. Unless you're crazy enough to refuse sedation, it doesn't feel like much of anything.

    It hasn't affected me much. This was years ago and I made the right choice. It hurt a lot afterward and I had a lot of bleeding and cramping.

  2. I had one at 5 weeks for medical reasons (cancer).  I was so heavily sedated (mostly with versed) that I remember nothing of the abortion whatsoever.  I had no pain or cramping afterwards.  I had minimal bleeding.

    I have no regret.  I am still alive, and that is what counts.  I did what I had to do to save my own life.

  3. I went with a friend to have one done....she was in a lot of pain for days.  Theres a lot of bleeding afterwards.  She couldnt walk past the baby clothes at walmart forever without crying.  It was the best decision for her but not the easiest.  I never could figure out why ppl think its just so easy for someone to have it done b/c its really not an easy thing so I dont exactly call it the easy way out!!!  However if your in the position to where you can put the baby up for adoption then I would def reccomend that over abortion.  Everyone who has it done is doing it for a diff reason!!  I know its a very painful thing emotionally and physically!!

  4. I always wonder why people call the baby nothing more than a blob of cells, and then say it's a very painful thing emotionally.  If it's just cells, then there's no emotional pain.  Like a tooth is just cells, and no one has trauma from having it pulled.

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