
What does he mean when he says "would you mind if we took things slow?" -- Help!!?

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My cousin used to babysit this guy when I was little but then he moved away and now he's back (he's a year older then me, my sister's remember him, but I don't really). Anyways, that cousin just got married and I ran into him at the wedding and we talked and planned to hang out but then he got a girlfriend and we had a bit of a fallout because I felt as though he had somewhat led me on (there was more then what I wrote, but it still seemed worse at the time), so I blocked him on msn, but he popped up on facebook chat and apologized for everything and we started talking again. He told me he'd make it up to me because I hadn't entirely forgiven him but eventually after talking to him for awhile I kind of forgot about the whole thing (but I still played hard to get a lil' and told him I couldn't hang out the first few times he asked to hang out because I didn't want to seem like a pushover or someone that he could treat however he wanted and I'd still forgive him). Then he asked me to hang out with him yesturday and I said okay and he came and got me and we went to his house and I met his parents and sister and brother and then we watched 3 movies and snuggled and kissed (well, made out, but that's all) and it wasn't like hardcore either, we weren't alllll over eachother or anything. Then we went out to hang out with some of his friends for a bit and he'd snuggle me anywhere we went or he'd hold my hand or kiss me on the forhead or cheek. Thennn we went back to is house and he asked what I wanted from a relathionship, he said he wanted something long-term and that none of the other girls took it serious enough and I said I wanted the same thing. Then we went outside and lied down and looked up at the sky and he rolled me on top of him (not in a sexual way lol) and said he liked me, then he asked if it was okay if we took it slow and I asked "take what slow?" and he said "a relathionship". What did he mean by that?? I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing (like maybe he's saying I don't want to get into a relathionship right away, but I wasn't the one who brought it up or started talking to him again, so I found this wierd lol, of course this isn't neccesarily a bad thing, I'm patient.) He also took me to the beach today with some friends of his and introduced me to some people we ran into there.




  1. Given his past behavior that you describe in your question I would have to say that he is probably "leading you on" again.

    It sounds as though he is hedging his bets.  He probably is trying out relationships with you and at least someone else.

    In other words, he just isn't that into you.

    If he is  sincere, request exclusivity NOW.  State you can go slow but require that he see only you.  If he agrees then he is sincere and you can see him and go a slow as you/he want to go. ( Note: if he is a real slime he will agree and still cheat on you).  Nonetheless, keep track of his MySpace and Facebook activity.

    If he doesn't want to comply to your request you can move on or date him casually and just know that he is seeing other people -- whether he admits it or not.  

    Most importantly-- Ignore what he SAYS.  Pay attention to how he BEHAVES.  Behavior reveals what kind of person he is NOT what he says.

    ps. Don't be so physical with him so early. Please be careful and respect yourself and your body.  

  2. By "take things slow" he means he doesnt want to get into the hardcore stuff too quickly.  Its as simple as that.

  3. When he says "the other girls don't take it serious enough" I think he loved a girl, she didn't love him back as much and he got hurt.

    He wants a woman who knows what she wants (won't just change her mind someday and leave). Women sometimes change their boyfriends/husbands as easy as buying a new pair of shoes - total disrespect. These women date men so they have something to talk about with their girlfriends (who matter more to them than he does).

    Men have feelings, too, girls!

    I think you have a very good hearted old-fashioned man, not a manipulator.

  4. he likes you and he seems to just just want to take things slow and it seems like you are dating and is he your cousin???

  5. He means that he needs to read your empire state building size post first.  Geez that is long!

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