
What does he want???? please help me!!!!!!!?

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Well I´ve liked a guy (sebastian) for more than a year and he found out one day through "friends". After that he got really shy around me but that if he was by himself if he was with friends he would act "cool". I invited him as FRIENDS to the movies, (not just him it was him and so other friends) he said yes and never showed. Well after that I just ignored him but then I catched him looking at me all the time (his father too), he even asked me to dance with him at our prom through one of my friends but I said no (too shy), I thought he liked me since we had chatted on msn tons of times and at school once or twice but... then I found out he got a girlfriend (like 2 months ago) and they always make sure I see them togetherr". She and his friends always ask if I still like him but I don´t answer. The other day a saw him at blockbuster well... I saw his friends. They ran over to him and told him I was there. 2 seconds later he was standing behind me "pretending to look at movies" so I grabed some random movie and got out.

I know he has a girlfriend but I´ve seen him looking at me, we´ve chatted, etc... and I don´t know if he´s just using her to make mejealouss because he likes me or not. (I´m 13 almost 14, he´s 14.)

I live in mexico but I lived in the US 4 10 years so my English is well like an americans and that make skids at school hate me and make fun of me (I´m not stuck up i swear in fact I´m shy) but when they make me feel bad he defends me even against his own girlfriend and friends.

So today at school I saw him (It´s a private school) and i wasn´t in my uniform cause i didn´t have all of it. I saw him staring at me when we were u know outside having the welcome back thing and his girlfriend was looking at me soooooo bad that i thought she was going to punch me. i ignored him but then later on he went into my homeroom looked for me saw me and left. And at recess he was wih a friend hugging him by the neck (but his friendit like way shorter than him so he was practicly neeling) so they went over and his friend asked why I haden´t worn the uniform but I didn´t say i just said i didn´t feel like it cause Sebastian was there staring (i mean I he wanted to know why didn´t he just ask) and they started to leave and he (the friend) said you rebel lol. and left and sebastian was RED. after that 4 of his friends came over to me and wanted to talk but they´re older that me and his friends so i just wanted to leave but then they started to say they wanted to HUG me and i said NO finally one of them said no come let´s not be too hard on her and I ran.

why is he doing this. Does he like me?? He lookes at me and his girlfriend lookes at me like she wants to hit me so what does that mean? If he does want to know things about me like my uniform and stuff why doesnt he just ask me directly. He lookes at me and when I see him lookes away, why? is his girlfriend just there to make me jelous (even if she thinks it´s not like that)? And whenever they see me they don´t even talk or they go the whole why around the school so they won´t have to see me and I try to just ignor him but it´s hard when i see him staring at me from across the school or where ever (and his friends always tell him if i´m close or behind him and he´ll GET OUT fast) I feel like she doesn´t want me to take him from her lol. Just please HELP.

I would really like...LOVE long answers ok thanks.




  1. You two are WAY too young for that. As for him, go get comics. You, get a barbie.

  2. I think he likes you. That exact same story happened to me except i live in the U.S. We ended up going out after i confronted his girlfreind, but i dont suggest you do that cuz it can get messey. But just talk to him and ask him why hes being like that.

    There's a blockbuster in Mexico???

    Just Asking.

  3. Well the way you explain things i would say you are right about everything i think he does like you and the girl is there to just make you jealous. Also the reason she looks like she wants to hit you is because she knows that he still likes you. I really have no advice i am really sorry. But you shouldn't even be going through any of this if you still have recess. You still have you whole life to look forward to you are very young but for some reason little kids now a days feel like they have to have a boy friend or girlfriend Ex: my sister lol

    Sorry! and good luck!

  4. idk i would just let it be, he has a girlfriend, once he breaks up w/ his girlfriend then i would consider going out w/ him but as for now hang out w/ friends y ahora vive la vida loca en mexico!!!!!!!!!

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