
What does heartache feel like to you? Does it ever go away?

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What does heartache feel like to you? Does it ever go away?




  1. Hope said it all...

    @ Hope: i hope that you will be better soon. hold on. i pray for you to have enough strength to go through this that is causing you so much pain...  

  2. heart aches feel horrible... heart beats faster, you feel faint and weak.. unable to talk you stutter for a while.. but it goes away.. but what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger

  3. It's difficult. Very difficult. You feel helpless and hurt. It does go away with time although if it was broken recently, it will feel like it will never heal. I sympathize with you. Stay strong sweety!

  4. Heartache is pain. It eats a hole at the core you. Whatever people say drugs won't help you, they create an illusion that your not feeling the pain, but you know you still really are. Trust me, there are certain emotion in life that are so strong, you know without a doubt in your mind when you feel them. Love, Grief, Lonileness, and heartache.

    The good news, it does go away. Time is its medicine and for now your allowed to put on sad music and feel sorry for yourself. You can rely heavily on your friends and family, but when the pain decides it wants to move on, don't latch on to it as some desperate memory of whatever you had that now makes your heartache. Let it go and become stronger for having been through it.

    You'll be fine. If we never had any bad in our lives then we wouldn't know how to truly appreciate the good.  

  5. Hey there Jannah,

    Heartache..... now that's one painful feeling. I think everybody experienced it at one time or another and each for a different reason but the only common factor amongst all of us is the "pain", the emotional emptiness, the hurt, the disappointment, the sorrow, the grief........the ACHE.

    It is actually tough to answer this question cos i am feeling those feelings right now... you see i feel vulnerable and sad beyond belief my heart actually aches and i feel pain in my chest, i can't breath and can't think straight, the only relief i get is when i cry... those tears help me let go of some of the emotional built up inside of me yet they still add to the pain.  Heartache to me feels like loneliness and misery, helplessness, regret and disbelief..... all those negative feelings i avoid in my life seem to come together at that moment and drain any ounce of happiness.

    The only way out for me is through prayer and supplication (i close my eyes and say 2 words... YA RAB) and having all the people that truly love me around me, helping me and easing the pain away.

    You see Jannah, they say time heals all wounds.... but i won't bet on that much now!!.... these feelings even when they fade away, do leave a bad memory not only in yr mind but more importantly in the "heart" and here is the big problem cos yr mind cud become forgetful overtime but not the heart. And every now and then when u do remember yr previous "heartache" sadness will wash over you.... i know that it won't ache as much but still it will hurt.

    @ Lily..... thank you so much... that was very sweet and considerate of you.

  6. wow heart ache is like one of the worst things ive ever had. it feels like ur heart is like bursing up but it hurts as its bruising up. it will go away but it takes some time or just use pills

  7. it doesnt go away , but it gets numb by time till only a scar remains .

    this is the natural process of every single ache a human suffers from.

    the minds keeps a record of the situation .

    even this record pales with time .

    so, this is the blessing of the effect of time on us .

  8. No baby....

    It never goes away...and usually an old song brings all of those memories back...but time heals those wounds, it really does. Just keep living is the secret. Keep going....

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