
What does his Sentence Look Like 2-3 years??

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I know some1 who is currently in jail on an illegal possession of a firearm charge. He was on probation for a felony drug charge when he was caught with a gun. He has been in jail since Jan. as he has a detainer on him (I think b/c he was on probation when he got in trouble). The court system is very slow and his case keeps getting postponed and is re-scheduled for next month. What do you think will happen to him? He said he might get a 2-3 year sentence. We are in PA and I'm pretty sure our state gun laws are very strict. Do u think they will release him and give him more probation or house arrest or do u think they will make him serve a sentence on top of the 7 months he has already?? Thanks for your opinions.




  1. he probably looking at 2 years, and depending on his record, he may get the maximum if he is identified as a habitual criminal. My advice would be for him to stop making stupid mistakes like this, who carries a gun on probation? i'll tell you who, a habitual criminal. This will ultimately depend on your DAs recommendation but it doesnt look good for him. plus this is for the one charge, he's also looking at parole violation

  2. It is very doubtful the prosecutor would recommend he be released, and odds are the court will sentence him to serve time for both the gun charge as well as drug charge-both felony violations.  Any other prior violations will of course be considered in determining his sentence.  

  3. He's been awaiting trial for 7 months on illegal possession of firearm charge? I'll bet he gets off with Time Served + more probation.

  4. Just a plain old guess, but I'd expect them to violate him on the drug charge, charge him for the firearm, and let him serve the two sentences concurrently. It might depend on the circumstances of the firearm charge, his history, and how long he was on probation and how well he did. He'll get some jail time credit, at any rate, against one of both of the sentences.  

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