
What does humidity have to do with sweating?

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When I lived in California, I would sweat profusely in the armpits. It wouldn't even be warm or sunny, and I'd be sweating.

Here in Hawaii, though, where the temperature is warmer, I hardly sweat at all in the armpits.





  1. humidity is the amount of water absorbed by the air. if 0 percent of the air is aborbed by water, then your sweat will be easily absorbed into the air. if 90 percent of the air is full of water, then your sweat has a harder time dissipating!

  2. When it is dry, sweat have an easier time evaporating, but when it is humid, then your sweat cannot evaporate as well.  That's why humid air feels hotter than dry air, since sweat cannot effectively cool your body.    

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