
What does i've to study if i want to become an austronaut

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What does i've to study if i want to become an austronaut




  1. I have genuinly answered your previous quest answer is the same

  2. If you really don't understand why, then you have no chance.  How clueless and you be?

  3. The academic requirements for astronautics are rigorous.  What you study depends on what you want to do in space (i.e., fly the ship, conduct scientific experiments, manage payloads).  You should get good grades in high school.  Take electives in the natural sciences and in mathematics.

    There are college programs that specialize in astronautical engineering.  Other good college study programs are the natural sciences such as astronomy or planetary sciences, or even medicine.  If you plan to be a pilot astronaut, you will probably have to do a tour in the military as a pilot because there are few other ways to get the required flight experience.  You will also need to get a graduate degree -- a Masters or a PhD in one of the technical sciences.  And you must do very well in school.

  4. Learn the basics in elementary school, especially math and science. Read everything you can get your hands on about astronauts, space, and whatever field you want to work in. Learn how to work effectively in a team environment. Also, don't forget the world around you. NASA does not exist in a vacuum, and you shouldn't either. Astronauts are team players. Since a college degree is a necessity, it is imperative you do well in high school first. Study hard, make good grades, especially on the SAT or ACT. Make a good decision on the course of study you wish to pursue, whether it be engineering, biological or physical science, or mathematics.Your grades should allow you to enroll in a good Master of Science program.

        hope this helps!

  5. Maths,Physics.Its more than enough.Be thorough with basics friend:)

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