
What does imao and lmfao stand for?

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What does imao and lmfao stand for?




  1. Thanks folks. I didn't know what this stood for either.

  2. imao?

    i guess you mean LMAO

    laugh my *** off


    laugh my ******* *** off

    lol rotflol!

  3. laughing my @rse off

    laughing my f@cking @rse off

    hope that helps lol

  4. Laughing my feckin *** off

  5. lmfao

    Laugh My Fu*king Ars* Off


  6. i think you mean lamo...which is laughing my @ss off....and lmfao is laughing my fu**ing @ss off

  7. Imfao

    laugh my f**king ars* off

    and lmao

    laught my ars* off

  8. lmfao ,   Laughing my ******* *** off

    imao,     In my arrogant oppinion

    you will find them all on this site

  9. laff my *** off and laff my f**kin *** off

  10. lmao - laughing my a** off

    lmfao- laughing my fat a** off OR lauging my f*cking a** off.

    they are other forms of LOL (laughing out loud)

  11. laughing my fookin *** off


    it's not an i your seeing it's a small L

  12. In My Arrogant Opinion" imao

    in my f****  opinion

  13. Laughing My *** Off and Laughing My F**king *** Off

  14. lmfao= laughing my ******.g *** off

    im nit sure about the other one.

  15. I'm not sure what imao stands for, but Lmao stands for 'Laughing My A$$ off' and Lmfao stands for 'Laughing my F**king A$$ off' ....

  16. LOL! I've never seen lmfao before, but my first thought was that the "f" stood for "fat".

  17. Although you have a handful of answers already, I just couldn't pass this up. LMAO=laughing my a** off. LMFAO=laughing my f*cking a** off....

  18. Laughing my a*s off

    Laughing my f*cking a*s off


  19. laugh my *** off and laugh my fu***** *** off

  20. I think you mean "imho" - stands for "in my humble opinion".

    or maybe "lmao", laughing my @ss off"

    "lmfao" stands for "laughing my (fraking) @ss off"

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