
What does imprisoned without hard labor mean?

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What does imprisoned without hard labor mean?




  1. That means the person will probably not be doing any challenging physical labor while imprisoned. It doesn't mean they won't be doing any work while imprisoned though.

  2. That he doesn't have to work while in prison. But why wouldn't you want to? Nothin else to do

  3. Hard Labor for convicts can be applied in two ways:

    1. manual labor as a punishment, in which case they are expected to " give back to society" without pay by working on roads, processing lumber, etc.

    2. manual labor as an occupation, in which case convicts are given some sort of livelihood while in prison, and get paid very minimal wages.

    To be imprisoned without hard labor just means that - you dont have to work, you just serve your time.

  4. It means that person won't be on the "chain gang",but that doesn't mean they won't do some kind of labor!

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