
What does intimate mean?

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What does intimate mean?




  1. One with another at all levels.  No problem sharing any of your emotions with another and vice versa.

  2. closeness on all levels with no reservations or hesitations.

  3. kissing, hugging, just genuinely loving being together...not necessarily s*x.

  4. It means being close mentally and physically and emotionally with a person

  5. Being close to one another, touching, kissing, each other tenderly, being close to one another not just sexualy, but in spirit and in mind

  6. Intimate does mean closeness but not exclusively to s*x which a lot of men seem to think.  There should be a lot more to a relationship than just s*x.

  7. At this point when I can't resist an easy 2 points, you already have 5 excellent answers to you questions (which I just have to believe you *knew* the answer to already).

    My understanding of 'Being intimate' (with another human being) goes far beyond the bodily, sexual concept of the meaning. It indicates a very close 'meeting of the minds' in the most detailed conceptions of thoughts and ideas between said human beings.

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