
What does invest mean?

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what does invest mean ,how do u invest how can u invest in ppl




  1. To invest is to give something of value to a cause, or a company, or anything really, hoping that with this they will do much better, and usually in return you end up with more value than you started with.

    When it comes to people, lets say a child, you invest your time to teach it new things, to have it have fun, to feed it, to protect it, so it will grow up to be a better person. The reward is... YOU LOVE YOUR CHILD AND WANT IT TO DO GOOD, so you enjoy seeing to succeed, and possibly when you are older they take care of you!

  2. Investment or investing[1] is a term with several closely-related meanings in business management, finance and economics, related to saving or deferring consumption. An asset is usually purchased, or equivalently a deposit is made in a bank, in hopes of getting a future return or interest from it. The word originates in the Latin "vestis", meaning garment, and refers to the act of putting things (money or other claims to resources) into others' pockets. See Invest. The basic meaning of the term being an asset held to have some recurring or capital gains. It is an asset that is expected to give returns without any work on the asset per se

  3. investing, basically, is the same as saving.

    it's trading current consumption for higher future consumption.

    investing is basically giving money to someone else in the hopes that the value of what that money bought will produce marginal value for the investor.

  4. To put effort/money into

  5. It means to put money into something like stocks, real estate and expect a return with profit.

  6. Depends what you want to invest, in. People?

    If you put money into something which earns you money, you have invested money.

    If you speand alot of time doing something (eg studying), then you've invested time into that.

    Maybe you need to invest some time & money into going out and buying a dictionary.

  7. Besides what the dictionary says, consider this simple analogy.

    If I take a seed and plant it, provide the conditions to help it sprout and grow, then when it grows, if it grows, then I may gain the intended benefit.

    If I grow a tree, I might want it for shade, or perhaps as part of several others to be a fence or wall from wind, or prying eyes of the neighbors, or perhaps to gain fruit every year, or maybe even so I can cut it down for the lumber or merely firewood.

    This is investing.

    If you like the way Wendys works better than McDonalds, buy Wendys stock, or McDonalds if your preference is there. If you think Penny's is better than Target, or perhaps think Wal-Mart does a better business. Invest in your preference of these. If you commonly buy your gas at an Exxon-Mobile station chain, or rather prefer Conoco-Phillips, or even BP or Shell, you might consider owning a piece of one or more of these. If you think that agriculture is big and growing, then look at Monsanto or perhaps ADM.

    Investing isn't really interested in the same things as traders watch. You almost don't even need to worry about the price of the stock because if the company continues to do what it does well and profits, then the intrinsic value will swell. In the long run, that means your investment becomes like that tree, it has grown and gained fruit. That is investing.

  8. Investing is putting money into something that you think will grow. For example, a new business opens up in town. You INVEST your money into their stock (lets say they have stock) with the trust that they will grow and then their stock will raise. Then, you sell the stock a lot higher than what you buy it for.

  9. spend money to make money

  10. These links will probably help. Good Luck.

  11. i think when you put ppl you meant PP&L it's an electric company and all you have do is open an account at a discount brokerage firm and buy the shares.. I suggest scottrade
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