
What does is feel like to ejaculate for the first time (during puberty)?

by  |  earlier

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I'm a guy, and I'm 13. I'm going through puberty with al of the hair "down there" and getting taller, but there's a problem. All my friends say they've ejaculated and they're all my age too, but I still haven't! Is something wrong with me!? Becuase I seriously wanna have kids. And when I m********e I feel weird, like someone's watching me or something, but I still do it, but towards the end, I feel like I have to pee or something. Is that what it feels like the first time you ejaculate?

Also, How do you know when you actually even have sperm or *** in your testicles?

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you.




  1. its normal dont worry

  2. good

  3. yeah your not going to pee it will just bust s***n out and will feel reallllly good

  4. me and my friend were on my couch playing video games and then she started hugging me and then sucked my necked and we were making out for the first time and I got a feeling and I moaned really loud like owwwwwa and I felt dizzy and like an echo and I just shot off, my thing was huge like it was gona explode and it was veiny like veins all over. And my thing was dripping this sticky goo that was like a yellowish milky white color. That when I was 14. It feels goooood. U will know that you did because it will be a feeling u never felt before. And no pee feeling

  5. well, there is a definite difference when you hit your first o****m that is accompanied by an ejaculation. Don't worry, 13 is really young for worrying about infertility, you have lots of puberty to go through. I don't think I had my first ejaculation till I was 14, or even 15. But, I don't m********e, so..... It was a wet dream.

  6. You're not going to pee and it doesn't feel like pee.  Just don't stop when you start getting that feeling.

    And no, you can't tell or feel when you have sperm in your testicles.

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