
What does is indicate if your lymph node are getting big? Why?

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What does is indicate if your lymph node are getting big? Why?




  1. It could actually be an infected salivary gland. They will sometimes get bigger when you eat. You should get it checked and increase your fluids.

  2. It can be a number of things from strep throat to mono. The best advice i can give is if you are not feeling better in a couple days go see your primary care physician  

  3. Lymphnodes swell and shrink all the time. Your lymph system helps fight infection. Therefore if you have enlarged lymphnodes that probably means that you are getting sick. Mine have been somewhat larger since I was in middle school. I had strep throght and I didn't get antibiotics.  

  4. Maybe you have a cold coming on or some infection. Depends how big it is and how long you've had it. You can always consult the nurse hotline for your hospital or insurance.

  5. Once my friend had Kowasaki's disease and her lymphnodes swelled to the size of golf balls.

  6. An infection, justwent through this,  my so had an upper respatory infection, was treated with antibiotic...A few weeks later the side of his neck swelled over night.  Dr. confirmed it was an infection and put on strong antibiotics.  

  7. almost always an infection.

  8. Your body is producing alot of cells that fight off an infection and that is why they become larger. It is rare but it could be something more serious so call your doctor if they:

    Have appeared for no apparent reason

    Continue to enlarge.

    Feel hard or fixed.

    Are accompanied by fever, night sweats or unexplained weight loss.

    Are red, warm and tender.

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