
What does is mean when my puppy is not motivated anymore for anything,...she won't even eat?

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my puppy is only three years old. Just the other day she was chasing a baby bunny in our backyard. since then she has not been so energetic, sleeping a lot, and won't really eat. Her nose is still really cold. But just this morning she felt as if she wanted to vomit making that vomit motion and i have been carrying her all around the house cause she walks a little bit and stops to lay down. She looks sad and upset like something is bothering her. My boyfriend thinks that is could be that my brother just got a new place and doesn't live with us anymore...i guess thats what happened to his got depressed when his roomate moved out. What do i do? the doctor can't see her until next week...thank you





  1. You need to find another Vet. I can't imagine that after hearing your dogs symptoms a good Veterinarian would not see the dog sooner.  Your dog needs to see a Vet. Get her in somewhere else.

  2. I hate to say this, but it sounds very serious.  There are many things it could be--and a large number of them could have been caught from the bunny.

    You need to go to another vet----today if at all possible.  A week is MUCH too long to wait.

  3. Is the pup drinking water? Does she have diarrhea? Is she urinating ?

    She definitely needs to see a vet soon. A week is MUCH too late. Her lack of appetite, and weakness, could be signs of parvo. Here is a paragraph from the subject, from

    Symptoms of pravo include diarrhea, vomiting and lethargy. Most dogs when they are infected with parvo stop eating or have a loss of appetite, diarrhea, high fever, and depression. Their stool can be very liquid, foul smelling, usually yellow in color, and contain blood. The secondary symptoms appear as severe gastrointestinal distress, which includes vomiting and bloody diarrhea. In the later stages of pravo dehydration, shock, and many times death. . Parvo in some cases may also attack a dog's heart causing congestive heart failure. This can occur months or years after an apparent recovery from the intestinal form of the disease.

    You can read the entire article here.

    I'm not trying to scare you. It may not be parvo at all........but it could be. If it is, your puppy needs to see a veteranarian today.

  4. There is something wrong with your dog and you need to have her see another vet.  If you wait until next week she could have serious complications if not die.  It could be an obstruction in her intestine.  DO NOT WAIT!!!!!

  5. you need to call back your vet and tell them you cannot wait until next week as your dog has stopped eating.  thats a serious sign and could mean it has some sort of blockage or stomach/intestin issues.

    if your vet still wont see you, ditch that vet and find an emergancy vet

  6. Did she get depressed at the same time as your brother left?  If not, she needs to see a vet.  I don't know why your vet is making you wait until next week.  Anytime I call them with a concern they get me in that same day.  I would suggest either finding a new vet or call the emergency vets in your area.

    good luck, hope everything turns out okay.

  7. Do you live in a town so small that there is only one vet?  Next week could be too late if you puppies is sick.

    What would you do if it was your kid that was showing that kind of behavior?  I bet you'd find a DR. that could see it today!

    Love your puppy?  Get with the program!

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