
What does islam say about bonds of faith?

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i vaguely recall hearing something along the lines of saying that the bonds of faith are stronger than the bonds of blood, such as family bonds. can anyone confirm this with a hadieth or another source.




  1. every thing is just "DUST" in the wind





    DON'T FORGET U R NOT 1ST EX MUSLIM WE HAVE ALREDY1400 years ppl like u but as u see Islam grown ALHUMDULILLAH





    لَكُمْ دِينُكُمْ وَلِيَ دِينِ﴿109:6

    For you is your religion and for me is mine. " *5

    *5 That is, "My religion is entirely distinct and separate from your religion. I am not a worshipper of your gods and you are not worshippers of my God. I cannot worship your gods and you are not prepared to worship my God, Therefore, you and I can never follow and walk one and the same path together." This is not a message of tolerance to the disbelievers, but a declaration of immunity, disgust with and dissociation from them as long as they are disbelievers. Its object is to disappoint them absolutely and finally that in the matter of religion the party of Allah's Messenger and his followers would ever come to terms with them. This same declaration of immunity and expression of disgust has been made in the Makki Surahs revealed after this Surah successively. Thus, in Surah Yunus, it was said: "If these people deny you, say to them: 1 am responsible for my deeds and you are responsible for yours: you are not accountable for what I do, and I am not accountable for what you do." (v. 41). Then further on in the same Surah it was said: "O Prophet, say: O mankind, if you are still in doubt concerning my Faith, know that I do not worship those whom you worship beside Allah, but I worship that Allah alone, Who has the power to cause your death." (v. 104). In Surah Ash-Shu'ara it was said: "If they disobey you, tell them: I am not responsible for what you do." (v. 216). In Surah Saba it was said: "Say to them: you will not be questioned for the errors we have committed, nor shall we be answerable for what you are doing. Say, our Lord will gather us together, then He will judge between us rightly." (w. 25-26). In Surah az-Zumar: "Tell them plainly: O my people, do whatever you will, so shall 1. Soon you shall come to know as to whom comes the disgraceful torment and who gets the enduring punishment." (w. 39-40). Then the same lesson was taught in Madinah to aII the Muslims: "There is indeed an excellent example for you in Abraham and his companions when they said to their people plainly: `We have nothing to do with you and your gods, whom you worship beside God: we have renounced you and there has arisen between us and you enmity and hatred for ever, until you believe in Allah, the One." (Al-Mumtahinah: 4). These continuous explanations of the Qur'an do not leave any room whatever for the doubt that the verse Lakum dims kum wa liya din dces not mean: "You may go on following your religion and allow me to follow mine", but it is the kind of declaration made in Surah Az-Zumar: 14: "O Prophet, say to them: I shall serve Allah alone, making my religion sincerely His. As for you, you may serve whomever you please beside Him." (v. 14).

    From this verse lmam Abu Hanifah and Imam Shafe`i have deduced that kufr (unbelief ), as a whole, is one community, however discordant and different from each other be the religions of the unbelievers; therefore, a Jew can inherit a Christian, and a Christian a Jew, and likewise the unbeliever of one religion can inherit the un-believer of another religion, if there exists between them a relationship by descent or marriage, or some other connection, which necessitates the passage of inheritance of one to another. On the contrary, Imam Malik, Imam Auza`i and Imam Ahmad hold the view that the followers of one religion cannot inherit the followers of another religion. They deduce this from the Hadith which has been related on the authority of Hadrat 'Abdullah bin 'Amr bin al-As, saying that Allah's Messenger (upon whom be peace) said: "The people of two different communities cannot inherit each other." (Musnad Ahmad, Abu Da'ud, Ibn Majah, Daraqutni). A ,Hadith with almost the same content has been related by Tirmidhi from Hadrat Jabir, by Ibn Hibban from Hadrat `Ahdullah bin `Umar, and by Bazzar from Hadrat Abu Hurairah. Dealing with this legal problem comprehensively, the well known Hanafi Imam; Shamsul-A'immah Sarakhsi, writes: "The unbelievers can inherit each other mutually for alI those reasons for which the Muslims inherit each other mutually, and they can also inherit each other in certain other cases in which the Muslims do not inherit each other ... The fact is that Allah recognizes only two ways of life, the religion of Truth and the religion of falsehood; that is why He has declared: Lakum dine-kum wa liya din. And He has classified the people also into two groups, one group will go to Paradise and this consists of the believers, and the second group will go to h**l and this consists of the disbelievers collectively. And He has declared the two groups only as the potential opponents of each other: "These are the two parties who have disputed about their Lord." (AI-Hajj: 19). That is, one group comprises all the disbelievers collectively and they are opposed to the believers ... We do not admit that they are separate and distinct communities according to their beliefs, but as against the Muslims they all form one community. For the Muslims affirm faith in the apostleship of Muhammad (upon whom be Allah's peace and blessings) and in the Qur'an and they refuse to affirm faith. For this very reason they have been declared to be unbelievers and are one community as opposed to the Muslims ... The Hadith, La yata-warith ahl millatain, points to the same thing as explained above. For the Holy Prophet has explained the word millatain (two communities) by his saying: La yarithul Muslim al-kafir wa lal-kafir al-Maslim: "The Muslim cannot inherit the disbeliever, nor the disbeliever can inherit the Muslim." (AIMabsut vol. 30, pp. 30-32). The Hadith cited here by Imam Sarakhsi has been related by Bukhari, Muslim, Nasa'i, Ahmad, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah and Abu Da'ud on the authority of Hadrat Usamah bin Zaid.

  2. NO, the bonds of blood are very important in quran, it calls it the bond of the womb, it's not stronger or weaker than the bond of faith, it's just different, actually it's stronger in some cases, like giving alms, even if parents are idol worshiper, the bond of womb is not to be broken, unless there was an aggression against moslems then the faith bond is stronger

    quran is full of example about how important this is.

    the sunnis and shiites above me are not really moslems, they despise qoran and follow bukhari and khomaini the liars to h**l

    god said in quran, that realtives have the priority to each others in god's book

    أولوا القربى أولى بعضهم ببعض في كتاب الله

  3. I found the following in another forum. But it seems to fit here.


    I have studied Islam for the last 12 years and I can tell you there is nothing peaceful about it. Islam is at the center of every single military type conflict around the world at this time. Every single one.


    Mohammed Lived in Mecca and claimed the Archangel Gabriel taught him the ways of Allah.  From Mohammed's dictations, his deciples wrote those teachings down and it became the Koran.  (Why did he have followers before the Koran?  Because he was really just a warlord trying to gain power.)

    Mohammed later moved to Medina, there the Koran continued to be developed, but at this point began to contradict other parts of the Koran.  His solution was to tell everyone that Allah is allowed to change his mind, and that the later teachings take priority over the earlier ones if they contradict.  (This is also the period where it became more violent as Mohammed began to seize and wanted to hold onto his status as the warlord, person in charge).

    The Koran is missing lots of details in the teachings and the events.  Mohammed's solution was the Hadith.  The Hadith provides the details missing from the Koran as dictated by Mohammed and are considered un-challengeable. The Hadith is considered absolute fact, unless it is contradicted by the Koran (of which the Koran rules), and the Koran cannot be challenged unless it is contradicted by other teachings in the Koran of which the later teachings take priority. (This is all very convenient for a warlord trying to seize power and people were just stupid enough to believe it as they are today).

    The weight of Islam is this.  Mohammed just made everything up as a way to seize power, he the Koran and the Hadith are all lies where the "Teachings" are concerned. However, they were also used to record actual historical events and since the Koran at that time was still a living document (being modified) it was written with "teachings" that coincided with the actual events which could be verified. This greatly contributed to the reasons why the later Koran text contradicts the earlier ones, because at this point real events could be applied.


    If anyone thinks Islam is peaceful, just draw a cartoon of Mohammed and see how many PEACEFUL Muslims threaten to kill you.  They will say it's because it is deeply offensive to them, but that is not an excuse.  It is deeply offensive to American's to think that one's religious views should trump a persons RIGHT to Free Speech, but Americas don't usually threaten to kill people for it.

    The Clerics claim the crowds of people shouting "Death to America" is not following the teachings of Islam, yet when those crowds are out, I have yet to ever see a single cleric out there telling them that, standing against them.


    It is the goal of Islam to spread its teachings and impose Islamic law wherever it can and by whatever means it can. It is the specifically stated in the Koran.

    Many go into power, claiming to be Christian and then surprisingly "convert" to Islam.  Once in power they do whatever they can to bring about change that will promote Islam. It may be something extreme but is usually something more subtle such as voting for laws that allow Islam to spread in some way such as allowing public rallies for it where it might be more restricted otherwise. Or in some cases voting to allow a tower with speakers to announce "call to prayer" publicly.  This has happened in several communities around the world that were mostly Christian.  One such example is Mayor Jack Ellis of Macon Georgia in the United States.

    On top of all this, Barack Hussain Obama, is the son of a man who is not only, not an American, but a Muslim. Barack's mother later re-married yet another Muslim, Barack Obama attended a Muslim school up to the age of ten I believe, and yet he claims he is not Muslim. Even if he did convert, are you sure he was not brainwashed enough by the years of teachings. Or perhaps he is waiting until he gets into the office of the President of the United States of America to "convert to Islam" and work on spreading Islamic Law.

    Even if he really is not Muslim and has no intentions, it is just too much of a risk. It is a national security issue and anybody who votes for him is a FOOL.


    Below are some URLs

  4. You will never find any people who believe in Allah and the last Day on friendly terms with those who oppose Allah and His Rasool, even though they be their fathers, their sons, their brothers or their relatives. It is they in whose hearts Allah has inscribed faith and has strengthened them with a spirit of His own.He will admit them to gardens beneath which rivers flow, to live therein forever. Allah will be well pleased with them, and they will be well pleased with Him. They are the party of Allah. Beware! Surely it is the party of Allah that will be successful.  (Holy Quran:58:22)

  5. yes it is true

    At the time of Rasoolallah (saww) Muslim Sahhabas fought with their non Muslim family members and kill them;...

  6. Iman is the bond in Islam.

    Removal of Iman bond results in the collapse of the entire Islamic edifice.

    History of Islam bears testimony to what steadfastness in the Iman bond can achieve.

    :The fervent dua of every Muslim should be:

    "May we be strengthened in our Iman, live a life full of Iman, and let us depart from this world in the state of Iman." Ameen.


  7. 011.046

    He said: "O Noah! He is not of thy family: For his conduct is unrighteous. So ask not of Me that of which thou hast no knowledge! I give thee counsel, lest thou act like the ignorant!"


    YUSUFALI: The Believers are but a single Brotherhood: So make peace and reconciliation between your two (contending) brothers; and fear Allah, that ye may receive Mercy.

    PICKTHAL: The believers are naught else than brothers. Therefore make peace between your brethren and observe your duty to Allah that haply ye may obtain mercy.

    SHAKIR: The believers are but brethren, therefore make peace between your brethren and be careful of (your duty to) Allah that mercy may be had on you.  

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