
What does it feel like When a guy Ejaculates?

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What does it feel like When a guy Ejaculates?




  1. Best feeling in the whole world!

  2. like heaven unleashed all its goodness

  3. Do you know the song:I'm in heaven?

    Well that is how it feels to me


  4. like if  all the pain went away 4  30 secon ds

  5. Idk... i ahvnt yet bcuz im younger but it feels good anyway w/o the mess =D

  6. Really good obviously.  Blow jobs are better than hand jobs fyi girls.  Suck don't stroke.

  7. lemme get back to you in 15.....

  8. it is really good, sometimes it can make you moan.....

    it's very like electric feeling running through the a*s to the p***s,  

  9. feels like a massive release of power

  10. Would that there were a similar sensation shared by both sexes to compare it to. It just wells up deep inside your groin and explodes. Depending upon the stimulus (masturbation versus another person), the head of the p***s becomes just overwhelmed with an indescribable sensation. You can feel the ejaculate bursting out. It's pretty incredible. :)

  11. I don't know about any other man, but when I ejaculate I get a tingling sensation all over my body. I get goosebumps all over my upper body. You know the saying " I was on cloud nine" , well it feels like I'm on cloud 900. Other than that, I don't know how to explain it except for it feels reeeeeaaaaaaallllllllllyyyyyyy gooooooooooodddd.

  12. Its the most awesome-est feeling ever!  its hte most enjoyable activity done 100 times, coupled into 4sec.

  13. its like imposible to anwser that it just feels good not as good as s*x but its good just like a tickling sensation but idk its not really the same for every guy.

  14. it is so great, why do you think so many guys jack off

    it feels like your getting tickled and you are ticklish but it isnt annoying, its feels like the good part of tickling

  15. the same when we have an o****m lol

  16. It's a feeling of Ectasy.

    butt muscle clamps up, p***s gets sensitive, r****m/a**s muscle clamps up and tingling throughout the whole body. toes cringe and curl.

  17. It's a wonderful sensation, even better for a guy who has a f******n.

    I was circumcised as an infant, and the nerve damage in my particular case was more than usual, resulting in an inability to achieve o****m in normal s*x.

    Masturbation was the only way I could reach o****m, and it was a rather weak (I didn't know it at the time) but still enjoyable experience.

    f******n restoration brought back a lot of missing sensitivity and as a result my orgasms are far more intense than I ever thought they could be.     It is more of a whole body experience now, and almost unbearably intense.

    I never thought  that s*x could feel so good, it's totally different and much more fulfilling with a f******n.      No wonder men are born with them, and it's a shame that many guys will never have a complete sexual experience because of the damaging effects of circumcision.

  18. First time it ever happened, it was unbelievable.

    Legs stiffened, heart rate went UP, p***s starting throbbing like a m**o, and a wierd tingling sensation all over, especially in the pelvic region that I had never experienced before.  Felt great.

    Now, it's just meh.  I think I jerk off too much.

  19. Its fantastic!  It happens 4 me like just after the best feeling part of a *** and right after brings about the best feeling of contentment u can imagine.  Then 1/2 hour later u wanna do it again! :)

  20. It is perhaps the hardest thing to accurately describe.  There are a number of things going on, and all at the same time.   Perhaps the most interesting part is in the brain itself.  Here there is no such thing as feeling, but it is instead where feeling is perceived.

    The gratification comes as a reward in the form of a Serotonin like molecule which when expelled functions to addict and satisfy a craving for it.  Like all drugs there are draw back to it.  One is the down fall of it when it wears off.   Imagine a ladder with a select number of steps.

    And so is the mechanism for the brain.  After reaching the top the tendency is to get too use to it and thus become de-sensitized to its full rich value.  So nature built in a refractory period to act as

    a come down.  Down to the first step.  For it sis from this first step that the thrill of reaching the top is so felt.

    While this explanation might seem somewhat non-physical is it in reality very physical. We are simply always so focused on the outside world with the tension in the muscles and the tickling effect of o****m

    itself  to realize the phenomenon taking place is a world not seen, heard or felt.

    The shooting of s***n is very enjoyable and the only reason its so is because of the thrill that the brain has decided to tell us when it knows its taking place. Many things are in operation here.  The feeling of s*x supplies us with a tickle.  A relaxing sustained tickle of the entire area including the but and the area just forward from there where the muscles are in an automatic pulsation effect in their attempt to

    shoot the s***n out.  It is important to acknowledge that while we can control how much stimulation we supply to our body, the body is controlled by the brain, and so are the outcomes of such stimulation.

    Ejaculation is not under our direct control, but with training it is possible to prevent it and thus control some of its effects.  Great pleasure arrives from the completion of this task.  And it might feel like its coming from the areas being excited, but our reality is that its all in our heads and the brain is very capable of having us believe what ever we want.  

    The best description is a tickling chill of vibration that is sometimes felt during urination, but with support from our brain, making us very entertained by the release of this pleasure like drug.  The two Physical and Mental aspects function together in making us love the effect, as well as the relaxing counter effects obtained shortly after.  It is suspected that this reward is even more enhanced by the heavy breathing  observed in the act itself.  Oxygen is required for proper brain function and during this act the Brain requires a high enough

    dose of Oxygen to be completely satisfied itself.  It therefore cannot give us pleasure unless it has what it needs first.

    What does this feel like.  It feels so good that nothing we know of as humans on this planet comes close. It is the reward of all rewards.  There is nothing that is better.  Not eating food, or drinking water.  s*x is the very top of all feelings the mind can supply us with, and for good reason.  It was the only way to convince us to do something  otherwise deemed so outside the normal nature of what we would ever imagine.  I mean really… You want me to do what to whom ?

    With a reward so much in desire, the brain has the power to make us do anything.  Anything at all.  Smoking is such  an ( action – reward ) type relationship.  So what does it feel like. It feels like something

    so good that we would do just about anything to get it.  Even if it means we die doing it.  Salmon in nature go to extremes to spawn.  The end result is their death.  In their case they have s*x once.

    We are lucky… We have a chemical death which thus sets us up for the next reward.  Perhaps this is the real answer you were looking for.  Or perhaps it’s our brain looking itself in the mirror !

    Hope that was not to bizarre for you.  

  21. hmmm

    this is hard to answer

    well first off  it's a great feeling

    whereas a girl will fill it all over a guy just feels it mainly in the p***s and pelvic area

    you can delay the o****m/ejaculation sometimes which makes it 10x better

    you have a feeling building with intensity by the second in your p***s until there's kind of a ''point of no return''.then you get a pulsating feeling of the c*um coming up through your p***s until it's releasedthe feeling after can last for a few seconds,

  22. Intense pleasure.  Best ones feel like it comes deep from within your being......indescribable.....toe curling, muscle flexing - overwhelming intense pleasure......

  23. it probably feels like u do if u and when u have your orgasms, but for the guys we feel it mostly in the p***s area where i hear girls kinda feel it all over.....  it feels incredibly exciting, like being tickled down there but just keeps feelin better and better until u get this incredible rush of arousal and wanting to get to the top.....

    if u r masturbating or having s*x and u slow down and cool it a bit, and then start masturbatig again u cansometimes even feel ur s***n coming up in your p***s, like a glass filling up with water... and u can tell u r gonna ***.

    its a wonderful feeling of release when u finally squirt, especially if u r squirting inside ur partner, and depending on how u have s*x it can feel incredible.  if u do a girl from behind ur p***s usually fits a lot tighter...and its just an awesome feeling :)

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