
What does it feel like living with a ghost?

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for a essay ......why do u feel cold when ur near a ghost?????????




  1. I've been living with a ghost since my father past which was 19 years ago,I've seen his spirit many times.I've seen him look out for me while i sleep.he likes being in the basement cuz all his tools are down there.sometimes my mother and i feel a sudden warmth while in the house..sometimes i feel coldness cuz i know there was also evil spirits in my house since i am a phychic and phychics attract spirits. hope this helps :)

  2. well, when alive, people are 98.6 degrees most of the time. maybe when you are dead, everything is the opposite. your normal 'soul' temperature is in the negatives.

    as i haven't met many ghosts, maybe that is just a stereotype. perhaps only cold people are cold ghosts.

  3. Most likely because they have no body heat and no physical "presence," but they're still there, so it leaves a place where the temperature drops. This is my hypothesis.

  4. I lived with them before.  You are writing an essay?  Well, you don't feel cold when you are around them.  You will be scared for a while, but I got used to it.  I think when I got used to it, they got bored, lol.  I only ever seen a "shadow person" once on my closet.  I've heard boots around 2 in the morning around my house.   Usually creepy things happen at like 2 or three sometimes 4.  It can happen anytime, but that is the usual time for where i used to live.  You don't feel cold, I will say again.  You can be in a room with your buddies and out of nowhere hear a chair scoot, or something like that.  They can't hurt you, but they can spook you.  I guess they get the cold thing from because our bodies are so warm, when we die, we loose that warmth, so it is a stereotype I guess. :)

  5. It depends on the ghost/spirit living with you. I grew up in an old house and I'm just sort of a spirit magnet for some reasons. I've always been giving readings for a long while. Anyway! There's the theory that ghosts need energy to manifest, so that's why there are cold spots. I hope that makes sense. I actually get very warm when certain spirits are around (spirits and ghosts are different). Anyway, if you have questions let me know.

  6. I do feel "cold" when they are near, but maybe that's just my anxiety and too many Hollywierd movies.  I have never met a malicious one I can remember though.

  7. A ghost used to live in my house, I never felt any cold spots.

  8. I don't know. Ask Casper.

  9. I have lived with them for a long time. I have never felt cool spots, like they say you do. One would come and sit on my bed at night. You could see the indent in the mattress where there were sitting. I was scared at first, but after it happened over and over again, I just got use to it. You do get a weird feeling when they are around. It might be cold feeling to some. You get shivers, so that could be a cold feeling. some do suck the energy out of some places,so that could be the cold spot some people feel.

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