
What does it feel like to be possessed?

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Im going to use the ouija board tonight with my friends and i heard of people getting possessed. I want to know what it feels like. Has anyone ever expirenced it? I wanna know what i could get myself into before using it. Please dont say ouija boards are bad blah blah blah. I know it can be,im using it at my own risk. Thank you =]




  1. We  since I only preformed exorcism I can not begain to tell you what it is like to be possessed.... But since you are ok with being possessed..... I can wait for you to decribe the pain and horror that you human body will be subjected to.... And when it is over please do not leave out  anything..........


  3. Uh, if you're gonna use one, you're just gonna find out anyway, why should we spoil your fun?


    Apparantly, everything goes numb, complete loss of body movement, yet you can see and everything, and watch what "you" do when whatever it is, is in control.

  4. The mental feeling is like a psychosis after severe depression only you are not bored. Hypnosis requires a person who is usually very depressed. They are most susceptible to auto suggestion and hypnotic suggestion also they are good lovers or haters. I take messages if you need more. Make sure someone is mature in the group eh.

  5. You really don't feel anything until after it's over. It is a feeling of pressure that radiates from your belly into your chest and leaves you nauseatingly tingly all over.

  6. have u ever seen the movie the excorcist?? well thats what happens she used the board and its based on a true story

  7. i bet it pretty scary and feels like sh*t!

  8. uhh, well i used to use the ouija bored, but i figured it wasnt real,  go read the book Tricks of the Mind by Darren Brown.

    but ive been possessed in the philippines close to Manila, and you just black out and people said my eyes were going all crazy.

  9. Here is a brief list of some of the areas in a persons life that a demon can affect.

    Compulsive sinning against your will: Addictions, uncontrollable anger, lust, urges to murder or commit suicide, etc.

    Mental torment: Fear, depression, irrational heaviness in the soul, hearing voices in the mind, hearing auditable voices that nobody else hears, compulsive thoughts, insanity, mental illness, etc. Obsessive irrational worry is almost always a demon. People who are scared stiff over the unpardonable sin are in need of counseling and likely deliverance.

    Emotional problems: Unable to get close to other people, sensing rejection for no reason, irrational emotional breakdowns, etc. Often more then just casting out demons is needed in this category, inner healing must also take place as well as tearing down strongholds.

    Occult powers or abilities: Anybody who can tell a fortune, lift an object through levitation etc. using demonic powers needs a deliverance etc. Unnatural strength is a sign of demonic power, such as the man with the legion in the Bible.

    Unnatural desires and feelings: Sexual attraction towards animals, unnatural sexual desires, unusually strong attractions towards somebody who is married, past lover, etc. can indicate soul ties and demonic bondage.

    Experiencing the demonic: Most often (not always, but usually) when people are visited by demons, hearing them, seeing them, etc., they are in need of a deliverance.

    Ancestors have similar problems: If both you and one or more of your ancestors have the same kind of problem(s), then there may be a generational spirit at work.

    Obsessions: Driving interests in the occult, demons, and creatures of the dark such as wolves, owls, etc. can indicate a demonic bondage. Obsession with death is almost a sure sign of demonic bondage.

    Compulsive behavior: Compulsive behavior such as cutting is a Biblical symptom of demonic bondage.

  10. it feels like BS.

  11. it feels like ur on drugs. but how should u know? ur possesed. whoever possesed u would have the feeling. :D

  12. ive never heard of anybody being possessed by a using a ouiji board, but people who are posessed dont get a feeling its like a blackout they find out afterwards and are pretty much clueless about any incident of any possession that occurred

    and when your finished with using the ouiji board just make sure you say goodbye when youre done.

  13. uhm they're just bogus unless they are the authentic and REAL old ouija boards, but just to be safe dont leave the portal thing on the board becuase it lets in evil spirits that can supposedly possess you and create great chaos.

  14. your own risk? are you serious? how dare you! you dont understand anything. you just listen to what you want to hear and cover year ears for the rest. your immature and irresponsible, and you have no idea what your dealing with. luckily, i doubt that they will have any interest in you, because they really cant have fun with someone like you, so you wont get possessed. but you should be down on your knees thanking all of existance that you are not going to be. there are too kind of possession: the kind when the spirit tries to get hold of you, and the kind when he does. very few have felt the second. the first is bad enough. i have low expectations of you, very low, and i can predict what your going to be getting into, and in the end, you wont regret it, because you really dont seem to be able to feel anything emotion like that. there are too many people like you in this world, and it hurt each and everyone of us. dont kill yourself know.

  15. ........You're crazy, aren't you?

  16. its like you see what you are doing but not really doing it. you will not be able to see what you can do. if you are possesed by an angry spirit looking for revenge you could kill someone if you are possesed by a kind ghost looking for forgiveness you will probably save a lost soul.

  17. ....that s***s not a game..

    its real..if you wanna chance fuc**ng up your life..go ahead..

    but im just warning you careful

  18. You start to shake violently, and you feel something enter you and then you feel somekind of pain, but you ignore it and tell him to keep going...if you haven't learned that I'm talking about a sexual refrenace then you are going to be possessed...

  19. Possession is a very dangerous. You can go crazy, the demons could hurt you, your attitude could change for the worst etc. Only Jesus Christ can deliver somebody from possession

  20. you feel like all the happiness is being suked out of you. every happy memory fades. like you may never be cheerfull again. ohhhhhhhhhhhhh jk those are dementors.


  21. I actually have it feels like....well you do a lot of things that you normally wouldnt do lets just leave it at that

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